City Council October 21, 2013 Strategic Planning Retreat Next Steps
Background Sept 23 rd City Council with ELT participates in strategic planning retreat Review of Mission, Vision, and Values New three year goals/priorities are drafted by City Council Six month objectives developed by ELT to support goals/priorities 2
City Council Goals FY Proposed New Goals Maintain fiscal responsibility and stability Improve financial stability Improve, maintain and enhance public facilities and infrastructure Improve and maintain infrastructure Increase conservation and sustainability Complete funding and construction of the Rose Bowl Renovation Project Improve mobility and accessibility throughout the city Improve the local economy Support and promote the quality of life and local economy Improve the quality of life and enhance public safety Ensure public safety
Improve Financial Stability Present a plan to the Finance Committee to generate public participation in and understanding of the city’s budget and engage them to share ideas and interest. Establish an Interdepartmental Team to review and analyze policies and procedures to strengthen the internal checks and balances. Identify and evaluate options to address OPEB (other post-employment benefits) and provide recommendations to Finance Committee Present the Interdepartmental Team’s findings to date regarding checks and balances to ELT
Improve and maintain the Infrastructure Present a plan to MSC for a Community Water Summit to discuss water supply changes facing the city. Update and prioritize unfunded infrastructure priorities and present to the City Council for consideration. Present options to MSC for direction to fund sidewalk enhancements, including the use of undergrounding surcharge funds. Hold a Council workshop on expanding fiber optic services for public and private use. Bring to the City Council for action an award of contract for the La Loma Bridge rehabilitation.
Improve the local economy Report to the City Council on first year progress of Economic Development Strategic Plan implementation. Present to MSC for consideration recommendations regarding utility rate incentives to stimulate economic development. Present to City Council for action policy considerations for streamlining the development review process. Develop and present to Ed Tech Committee a targeted marketing campaign for the innovation sector promoting Pasadena’s amenities.
Complete Funding and Construction of the Rose Bowl Renovation Project Report to the City Council on the beginning of the Rose Bowl Renovation Project Phase III. Ensure the start of construction on the Rose Bowl Entry Project.
Improve the Quality of Life and Enhance Public Safety Present to City Council and PUSD Board the School/City/Community Work Plan Report Card. Develop and present to the City Manager a plan for increasing the number of residents in the MASH program. Implement a public education campaign with meters for public donations for homeless service providers. Present a plan to the City Manager to align human services and health services to increase efficiencies and effectiveness of services. Report to the City Council on the progress of the Mental Health Needs Citywide Assessment.
Improve the Quality of Life and Enhance Public Safety (continued) Assess the impact of AB 109 and present the results as well as actions being taken to the Public Safety Committee Reduce the number of uninsured individuals in Pasadena by half (12,500) through enrollment and education activities.
Staff Recommendation Adopt the new three year goals Approve the new six month objectives Decide what method for continuing the strategic planning process First: Council discusses at a future meeting their top 2-3 district and citywide priorities Community meetings and/or On-line surveys Second: staff would identify topics that require policy decisions Example: Environmental stewardship; Public schools; Transportation; Program and service expectation