Civil Engineering and Management Construction Management and Engineering Industrial Design Engineering Mechanical Engineering Sustainable Energy Technology Welcome to the Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET) (Dutch: CTW)
2 Contents Organisation Practical Issues Rules, complaints and counselling 2
Engineering Technology EducationEducation: 8 programmes: 3 BSc; 5 MSc master programmes: 13 specialisations all CTW master programmes have a duration of 2 years, equivalent to 2x60=120 EC ResearchResearch: 42 chairs in 13 research groups, grouped in 5 departments 3
4 Engineering Technology Support StaffScientific Staff Programme: - Educational Director - Programme Coordinator - Academic counsellor - Student Mobility Centre (internship, exchange) - Student Administration (BOZ) Chair: -Secretary -Technician Chair: -Professor -Associate Professor (UHD) -Assistant Professor (UD) -Staff member (education/ research) -PhD-student (AIO / OIO) -PDEng 4
5 Student Administration (BOZ) Organisation / administration of (all) educational activities Location: CEM/CME: HR Z-202 IDE/ME/SET:HR Z-206 drop in for questions regarding your programme (e.g. marks; see note on office door) all other questions (e.g. enrolment): Student Services, VrijhofStudent Services 5
6 Programme sites
UT Educational software Manuals for all educational / administrative software modules (OSIRIS, Blackboard, SMS,...) can be found found at: ut_the_applications/ ut_the_applications/ 7
7 Courses : when schedule / timetable(NL: rooster) individualised terminology lecture (NL: hoorcollege) tutorial (NL: werkcollege / geïntegreerd onderwijs) seminar (NL: responsiecollege / werkcollege) colstructie (mix of lecture & tutorial ; NL alt.: geïntegreerd onderwijs) practical (NL: practicum) excursion 8
7 Courses : when hours: hrs hrs hrs hrs. Evening classes are possible, but not used so far. Breaks minutes 9
12 Courses : what course catalogue OSIRIS public electronic learning environment Blackboard only registered users educational announcements books: through study association via or Readers via Union Shop (Bastille) 10
12 Courses : registration registration for courses : Study Information System OSIRIS registration for Blackboard and exams : automatically, when registered in OSIRIS registration in the Student Mobility System SMS for : exchange semester abroad internship master thesis 11
Grades grades are officially published via Osiris: results via Blackboard are preliminary! 1-10 (very poor - excellent) ’10 is for God, 9 is for the teacher’ Average just under 7 > 5.5 / 6 => passing grade In case of a resit of an exam: the highest obtained grade is the valid grade It is not (very) common to retake exams for which you scored a passing grade the first time 9 13
10 Educational system Characteristics: Student-centred: stimulating development of own opinion, initiative and (self)reflection Problem-based learning Teamwork MSc-programmes of Engineering Technology are research masters MSc-thesis project at least 30 EC See also 14
11 Student-staff relation Direct, informal, but be aware! –Ask questions, take initiative, but do not nag –Formulate your opinion but base it on facts –Only use first names when you are given permission 15
Study associations ConcepTCEM/CME DaedalusIDE Isaac NewtonME/SET “for students by students” study trips, excursions, lunch meetings with companies, social activities,... Some information may not be in English but they’re working on it 16
Computers ICT Service Centre: Checklist for new students erstejaars/ erstejaars/ 17
Rules Studentcharter (StudentenStatuut): see educational programme website Additions and changes via announcements (= onderwijsmededelingen) Focus points: Pass/fail regulations Fraud / plagiarism (especially in relation to assignments) 18
Complaints (education) Via the teacher Via the Programme Director Via the study association Educational Committee (Opleidingscommissie (OLC)) (programme and course content) Examination Board (Examencommissie) (exams) 19
Complaints / problems Faculty Coordinator International Affairs: Jelle Ferwerda Office Z2.12, International Office visa / housing Student Services admission enrollment (registration)
Counselling Tutor (member scientific staff): programme arrangements Academic counsellor: personal problems, ‘’interface’’ to examination board Student Counselling Service (= Bureau Studentenbegeleiding) counsellor and psychologists financial issues, courses, therapy Also: parents, house mates, partner, friends, religious community 21
Counselling international students Student Mobility Centre CTW Faculty Coordinator International Affairs Programme Mobility Coordinator Programme related issues Personal problems 22
Study in Holland For all international CTW Voluntarily Informal Discussions on common issues, observations and experiences Sign up and/or send an 23
MoMi Modern Migration (Migration for degree-seekers to the Netherlands). all students with a study-visa will have to pass certain performance criteria Jelle Ferwerda will have a chat with each international student regarding these and other performance criteria used in the UT.
22 Not only studying Living on your own Sport and cultural associations Part-time jobs Extra curricular activities study association ; KIVI ; BEST ;... facebook group: University of Twente - Engineering Technology For your development as a true academic extra curricular activities can be very important 25
24 Contact person per programme Overall: Jelle Ferwerda (Horst Z-212, international) pre-masters: Monique Duyvenstijn (Horst Z-222, pre-master) CEM/CME: Judith Roos-Krabbenbos (Horst Z-216, international) IDE: Jolanthe Schretlen (Horst Z-216, international) ME/SET: Dorien van de Belt (Horst W-204, international) 26
Academic counseling Overall: Jelle Ferwerda (Horst Z-212, international) CEM/CME: Judith Krabbenbos (Horst Z-224, all) IDE: Jolanthe Schretlen (Horst Z-216, all) ME/SET: Annet de Kiewit (Horst Z-218, all)
I wish you a very inspiring and happy time here in Enschede! 28