Water and Sanitation MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing
Background Access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation are fundamental rights. Access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation also have considerable health and economic benefits to households and individuals. Lack of access contributes to death and illness, especially among children under five.
International Goals & Targets Reduction in the proportion of households without access to hygienic sanitation facilities and affordable and safe drinking water by at least one-third Reduce by half, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation
List of Indicators Water Use of improved drinking water sources Use of adequate water treatment method Time to source of drinking water Person collecting drinking water Sanitation Use of sanitary means of excreta disposal Sanitary disposal of childs feces
Background Official body reporting on progress toward MDG on water and sanitation JMP Technical Advisory Group – Coordinate/harmonize between agencies – Provide technical advice on measurement issues Task Force on HH Survey Harmonization WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme on Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP)
Background JMP methodology shift :Provider/utility data (e.g., MOH, Water Depts.) Since 1997:Consumer/household surveys (e.g., MICS, DHS, census)
Background Consumer-based data (not provider-based data) Lack of comparability with respect to definition Lack of comparability with respect to methods used to calculate the indicator Problem applies within countries over time, as well as across countries
Definition of Indicator Use of Improved Drinking Water Sources Percentage of population using improved drinking water sources Numerator: Number of household members living in households using improved drinking water sources Denominator: Number of household members in households surveyed
Definition of Indicator household water connection public standpipe borehole protected dug well protected spring rainwater collection bottled water (if secondary source is also improved) Does NOT include unprotected well, unprotected spring, vendor provided water, tanker truck-provided water and bottled water (if secondary source is not an improved source) Improved Drinking Water Sources
Methodological Issues Convert household data to population Use improved facilities as a proxy for safe or hygienic sources of drinking water and sanitation facilities Bottled water considered improved if secondary source is also improved.
Tabulation Plan Table EN.1: Use of Improved Water Sources
Regional Water Coverage
Drinking Water – Urban/Rural
Drinking Water Coverage (CEE/CIS)
Drinking Water Coverage (ROSA)
Drinking Water Coverage (TACRO)
Drinking Water Coverage (CEE/CIS)
Drinking Water Coverage (MENA)
Drinking Water Coverage (EAPRO)
Drinking Water Coverage (ESARO)
Drinking Water Coverage (WCARO)
Definition of Indicator Household Water Treatment Percentage of population using water that has been treated Numerator: Number of household members using water that has been treated Denominator: Total number of household members in households surveyed
Methodological Issues Adequate Methods of Treatment Boiling Adding bleach or chlorine Using a water filter Solar disinfection Note that multiple response categories may be used and responses may total to more than 100%.
Tabulation Plan Table EN.2: Household Water Treatment
Definition of Indicator Time to Source of Water Percent distribution of households according to time to go to source of drinking water, get water and return, and mean time to source of drinking water. - water on premises - less than 15 minutes - 15 minutes to less than 30 minutes - 30 minutes to less than 1 hour - 1 hour or more Note that the mean time to source of drinking water is calculated based on those households who do not have water on the premises.
Tabulation Plan Table EN.3: Time to Source of Water
Definition of Indicator Person Collecting Water Percent distribution of households according to the person collecting drinking water used in the household - adult woman - adult man - female child under age 15 - male child under age 15
Tabulation Plan Table EN.4: Person Collecting Water
Definition of Indicator Use of Improved Sanitation Facilities Percentage of population using improved sanitation facilities Numerator: Number of household members living in households using improved sanitation facilities Denominator: Number of household members in households surveyed
Definition of Indicator flush to piped sewer system flush to septic tank flush/pour flush to pit flush/pour flush elsewhere composting toilet ventilated improved pit latrine with slab Does NOT include pit latrine without slab, open pit, bucket, hanging toilet, no facilities Improved Sanitation Facilities
Methodological Issues Convert household data to population Use improved facilities as a proxy for safe or hygienic sources of drinking water and sanitation facilities Some category changes since MICS2, particularly with respect to latrines Shared sanitation facilities not counted Working table on number of households sharing
Tabulation Plan Table EN.5: Use of Sanitary Means of Excreta Disposal
Tabulation Plan Table EN.5W: Shared Use of Facilities (Working Table)
Tabulation Plan Table EN.7: Use of Improved Water Sources & Sanitation
Definition of Indicator Disposal of Childs Feces Percentage of children under age three whose stools are disposed of safely Numerator: Number of children under age three whose (last) stools were disposed of safely - child used toilet - put/rinsed into toilet or latrine Denominator: Total number of children under age three surveyed
Tabulation Plan Table EN.6: Disposal of Childs Feces
Regional Sanitation Coverage
Sanitation – Urban/Rural
Sanitation Coverage (CEE/CIS)
Sanitation Coverage (ROSA)
Sanitation Coverage (TACRO)
Sanitation Coverage (CEE/CIS)
Sanitation Coverage (MENA)
Sanitation Coverage (EAPRO)
Sanitation Coverage (ESARO)
Sanitation Coverage (WCARO)