Office of Clinical Studies, University of Delaware, 2010 How Do I Log In? And…… Why Should I Care?
Office of Clinical Studies, University of Delaware, Logging into FEPS This tutorial is designed to teach cooperating teachers how to access the Field Experience Placement System (FEPS) to evaluate students. OBJECTIVES At the end of this tutorial you should: be aware of all the steps needed to log into FEPS, and know what the heck FEPS means; know how to enter your personal information and understand why it is so important; know how to problem solve when your student teacher is not listed.
2 Use the link titled ‘Cooperating Teachers’ to log into FEPS. Clinical Studies Home Page Office of Clinical Studies, University of Delaware, 2010
STEP 1: Click in the Address Box and enter your school address. STEP 2: Click here and type in your password. NOTE: If you’ve changed your password and don’t remember it, click on “ my password”. Cooperating Teaching Login Screen 3 Office of Clinical Studies, University of Delaware, 2010
How do I get Paid? Make sure ALL of your personal information is entered/updated and correct so you can be paid and evaluate your students. (You only need to do this once a semester.) College or Department name here Click this bubble to get started. You will see an example of this page in the following slide. 4 Office of Clinical Studies, University of Delaware, 2010
NOTE: Please notify Clinical Studies if your address has changed in the last 6 months. SAMPLE: Cooperating Teacher Information 5 Office of Clinical Studies, University of Delaware, 2010
How do I evaluate my students? Click on this button to start evaluating your students. If you don’t see a button to evaluate your student(s) then you are probably in the wrong semester. Use the arrows to scroll up or down if needed. Click on the correct semester. Keep in mind that UD names the semesters as follows: 10F – Fall S – Spring W – Winter J – Summer 2011 BUT! 6 Office of Clinical Studies, University of Delaware, 2010
Ok! But how do I evaluate my students? Is your Student Teacher listed? If yes, then you can continue by clicking on the bubble titled ‘Add/Edit’ next to your student’s name to get started. If the information is NOT correct, then you should make sure you are in the right semester. After that, if all information is STILL wrong, then either Kim Rob or call the Office of Clinical Studies ( ) for 7 Office of Clinical Studies, University of Delaware, 2010
8 Are We Done Yet? Online Survey Link Office of Clinical Studies, University of Delaware, 2010 Why yes, yes you are! Now you’re ready to log in and start evaluating your student teacher. Before you go, we would appreciate if you let us know what you think about this online training module. Please click on the link below and take a few minutes to complete a very short online survey. Thank you very much, The Clinical Studies Staff.