1 Demand for City-type Services
2 Demand for City-Type Services Development in the unincorporated area may result in the expectation that the County should provide different, city-type services SB 89 passed in 1999 made the annexation process more difficult therefore, the City of San Antonio has curtailed annexation
3 Demand for City-Type Services City-type Services: Utilized Citys FY Budget to establish a cost per citizen Used Unincorporated Area population to establish a budget for these services Calculated the tax rate needed to pay for these services
4 Demand for City-Type Services Services not provided by the County that may be expected in a more urban unincorporated area setting: Code Enforcement - $2.4 M. Cultural Affairs - $1.5 M. Customer Service/311 - $805 K. Development Services - $4.3 M. Fire/EMT - $48.5 M. Police - $63.4 M. Solid Waste Management - $20 M.
5 Cost for City-Type Services Bexar County budget would increase by $155 million if implemented in 2012 This does not include costs associated with start-up such as the construction of buildings, vehicles, etc. Assumes all costs are paid through property tax revenue, no special fees included.
6 Legal Challenges/Barriers Counties in Texas do not have home rule authority, they only have powers specifically granted to them by the constitution and state laws Significant constitutional and/or legislative change would be required in order for the County to perform some of these services
7 Fiscal Challenges/Barriers Tax all property in Bexar County Tax rate increase of $ per $100 valuation Current tax rate is $ per $100 valuation Would bring total tax rate up to $ per $100 valuation Citys current tax rate is $ per $100 valuation
8 Fiscal Challenges/Barriers Tax property in the unincorporated area of Bexar County Tax rate increase of $ per $100 valuation Would bring total County tax rate up to $1.552 per $100 valuation Constitutional Limit of $0.80 per $100 valuation
9 Bottom Line County cant legally perform many City- type services No home rule or ordinance-making authority County wont be legally able to raise taxes to fund this level of services Roll-back rate limitation of no more than 8% annually
10 Other Options Available to Unincorporated Areas Pursue self-incorporation as new cities Creation of Special Districts Self-Assessments, Public Improvement Districts, etc Annexation by the City of San Antonio (or other incorporated cities)
11 Demand for City-type Services