Growing Bananas The “ “ Family
Your Financial Situation Did you make money or lose money as the game progressed? Why?
How did this make you feel?
Did you join Fairtrade? If so, what benefits did it bring to your family? If not, how did this affect you?
Was the game fair? Do you think the game was fair? Why?
How well did your group work together? Indicate any problems you had and how you solved them? How did your financial situation affect your ability to work together as a team?
What was realistic about the game? List as many points as you can think of
What was unrealistic about the game? List as many points as you can think of
Did the game help you empathise with real banana farmers?
The importance of Fairtrade Having experienced what it is like to be a banana farmer, how important do you think the Fairtrade organisation is? Why?