MAIN RESULTS Presented by Faustina frempong-ainguah
Survey implementation The 2006 MICS is the second round in a series of national level population and health survey conducted in Ghana. The survey was conducted by the GSS in collaboration with the Ministry of health, UNICEF and Macro International. The 2006 MICS was designed to provide estimates on a large number of key indicators aimed at improving the health conditions for women, men and children.
Sample design A sample of 6,302 households was selected for Ghana as a whole, representing urban and rural areas, as well as the 10 administrative regions. The list of EAs from the GLSS V served as a frame for the MICS sample. 660 EAs{-281 urban and 379 rural} MICS 2006 used a two-staged stratified sample design Stage one: 300 EAs( 124 urban, 176 rural) Distribution of EAs not proportional to the 2000PHC - over sampling for Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions.
Sample design Listing of structures and households in all EAs Second stage Systematic sampling of households from the listed EAs after eliminating from the list households previously selected for GLSS (20 per EA). - Avoid respondent fatigue -Possible high rates of refusal -Conducted concurrently Twenty households per EA were selected 25 per EA for rural EAs in Northern, Upper East and Upper West. All women aged and children less than 60 months in these selected households were eligible for interview. Males in every selected third household aged were also eligible for interview. This is different from DHS whereby males aged are eligible for interview.
Questionnaires 4 questionnaires were used for the 2006 MICS: household, womens, mens and under- five. The adapted questionnaires were modified to suit the Ghanaian context and pretested in June 2006.
Training and Fieldwork 90 people participated in the survey training, to serve as supervisors, editors, interviewers, and data entry clerks. All trainees participated in comprehensive interviewer training, including taking measurements of height and weight. Towards the end of training period, participants spent 3 days conducting interviews in 16 EAs ( 8 urban, 8 rural). Nine teams were formed for data collection, each consisting of a supervisor, editor, four interviewers and a driver. Fieldwork took place over three months between August and November 2006.
Data Processing Processing of data began soon after fieldwork (3 weeks) commenced, as completed questionnaires were sent to MICS secretariat at GSS, Accra. Specially trained GSS personnel, including 10 data entry clerks, entered in the data twice, and monitored the quality of the data collected.4 secondary editing personnel to perform internal consistency checks. Data captured using CSPro software. Early data processing allowed for feedback to teams to prevent problems.
Results of the household and individual interviews Households Selected Households Occupied Households interviewed Response rate (%) Eligible Women Women interviewed Response rate (%) Eligible Men Men interviewed Response rate (%) Eligible children under five Mother/ Caretaker interviewed Child response rate (%) 6,302 6,264 5, ,240 5, ,909 1, ,545 3,
Households and Respondents Characteristics Background characteristics of households and respondents
Head of household Women head 29% of Ghanaian households. Consistent with the results from the 2003 CWIQ survey, which puts women at 29.0% This low percentage may be influenced by our prevailing kinship and inheritance system.
Educational Attainment by sex Males Females
Adult Literacy StatusMaleFemale Poorest Second Middle Fourth Non-poor Total Measure: #women or men aged that are able to read short simple sentence /all women or men aged surveyed. Women are less likely to be able to read (68% compared to 75%) than men. Strong relationship between ones socio- economic status and literacy level. 2W7 Wealth percent
Adult Literacy Percentage of women and men aged years that are literate. 73% of men are literate as compared to 55% of females of the same age group.
Type of toilet facility Availability of toilet facilities in households ensures more hygienic means of human waste disposal. Inadequate disposal of human excreta and personal hygiene can affect the health of the population especially children under five years. The survey results show that 61 percent of the population have access to improved sanitary facilities. Sanitary differentials at the regional level are significant. Majority of the population in the three northern regions have no toilet facilities.
Type of Toilet facility by place of residence
Percentage distribution of household population using improved sanitary means of excreta disposal
Iodized salt consumption Micronutrients are essential for the metabolic processes in the body and plays a major role in the nutrition and health of an individual. Disorders caused by dietary iodine deficiency include goitre, impaired mental function, retarded mental and physical development. The results show that only one-third of households in Ghana consume adequately iodized salt.
Iodized salt consumption
Source of drinking