Skilled Attendant at Delivery MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing
Background Three-quarters of all maternal deaths occur during delivery and the immediate postpartum period. Traditional birth attendants, whether trained or untrained, can neither predict nor cope with serious obstetric complications. The single most critical intervention for safe motherhood is thus to ensure that a competent health worker with midwifery skills is present at every birth, and transport is available to a referral facility for obstetric care in case of emergency.
International Goals & Targets Ensure that women have ready and affordable access to skilled attendance at delivery Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel (MDG 5, Indicator 17)
List of Indicators Skilled attendant at delivery Institutional deliveries
Definition of Indicator Skilled Attendant at Delivery % births attended by skilled health personnel (doctors, nurses, midwives or auxiliary midwives) Numerator: Number of women aged years with a birth in the 2 years prior to the survey who were attended during childbirth by skilled health personnel Denominator: Total number of women surveyed aged years with a birth in the 2 years prior to the survey
Definition of Indicator Institutional Deliveries % women aged years that gave birth in a health facility in the previous 2 years Numerator: Number of women aged years with a birth in the 2 years prior to the survey that delivered in a health facility Denominator: Total number of women surveyed aged years with a birth in the 2 years prior to the survey
Methodological Issues Skilled attendant at delivery is used as a proxy to assess trends in maternal mortality Skilled attendants include doctors, nurses, midwives or auxiliary midwives ( not included are traditional birth attendants) Health facilities include the following: - government hospital - government clinic/health center - other government facility - private hospital - private clinic - private maternity home - other private medical facility
Tabulation Plan Table RH.5: Assistance during delivery
Regional SKAT Coverage
Trend Data
SKAT Coverage (CEE/CIS) % births attended by skilled health personnel
SKAT Coverage (TACRO) % births attended by skilled health personnel
SKAT Coverage (MENA) % births attended by skilled health personnel
SKAT Coverage (EAPRO) % births attended by skilled health personnel
SKAT Coverage (ESARO) % births attended by skilled health personnel
SKAT Coverage (WCARO) % births attended by skilled health personnel
SKAT Coverage (ROSA) % births attended by skilled health personnel