M U S L I M F U N E R A L R I T E S When a Muslim is dying relatives/friends should be with them to read the Quran and pray. The dying person should pray for forgiveness and try to say the Shahadah - ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet’, when hearing of a death a Muslim should say, ‘To Allah we belong and to him we return. Burial should take place if possible the following day and must be in a Muslim cemetery. Cremation is forbidden as Muslims believe in the resurrection of the body. PREPARATION FOR BURIAL The body is ritually washed by members of the same sex starting with parts of the body normally washed (WUDU) before prayer. The body is washed with Camphor because it perfumes the body and saves it from quick decay. An Imam saying prayers prior to burial THE BURIAL The Body is wrapped in a shroud consisting of 3 sheets of white cotton (for a man) and 5 sheets for a woman. If the person had been on Hajj they will be wrapped in the sheets they performed the Hajj in. The body is then placed in a coffin, if it is the law of the land - otherwise it is carried on a stretcher to the Mosque for prayers (women do not normally attend). The body is laid in front of the Imam who faces Makkah and congregational prayers are offered but there is no bowing or protestation. The funeral prayer is called SALAT AL JANAZAH. From the Mosque the body is taken to the burial ground. Everyone is expected to speak well of the person who has died and offer no criticism. The body is buried with the head facing towards Makkah - words from the Quran are recited.
M U S L I M F U N E R A L R I T E S OFFICIAL MOURNING After the funeral people may return to the home of the deceased and offer their respect to the family - but there will be no elaborate meal. Official mourning lasts normally 7 days. In some Muslim countries this can be extended to 3 months. Exaggerated displays of grief are forbidden. Mourners are expected to read from the Quran and recite special prayers for the dead. They must not attend any celebrations such as a wedding during the mourning period. At the end of the mourning the close relatives revisit the grave. They may also give charity on behalf of the deceased, so that their good deeds may continue and be rewarded. EID-UL-FITR At the end of Ramadan, Muslims celebrate the above festival and at this time they also visit the graves of their relatives to say prayers. This is to remember the temporary nature of life and the importance of living a good and correct life. ‘The Soul can not die except by Allah’s permission, the life span being fixed as if written by contract.’ Surah 3:145 GRAVES Graves are raised slightly above ground to prevent accidental disrespect - elaborate gravestones are forbidden. Money should be spent on the living not the dead. ‘For those nearest God will come rest and satisfaction and a garden of delights and peace; but if you are of those who have…gone wrong, then your entertainment will be boiling water and hellfire. Truly, this is the absolute truth and certain.’ Surah 56: THE AFTER LIFE Muslims do believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe when you die, your body stays in the ground until the last day when Allah will raise the living and the dead and they will all be judged. The idea of life after death is called - AKHIRAH. The soul is taken by Azra’il the angel of death to BARZAKH which is a state of waiting until the day of judgement. The basis of this judgement will be if you lived your life according to the Quran and the Shariah. The idea of this awareness of God in your everyday life is called TAQWA and helps motivate what you do. During your life two angels sit on your left and right shoulder, writing down all your actions. These actions will condemn a Muslim to hell or raise them to heaven for eternity, for on the day o f judgement, ‘That day shall all men be sorted out.’ Surah 30:14. ‘We shall set up just scales of on the day of judgement, so that no man shall in the least be wronged. Actions as small as a grain of mustard seed shall be weighed out.’ Surah 21:49. JIHAD Those who have died in a religious battle - jihad, are not washed. They are shrouded and after funeral prayers they are buried. They go straight to heaven and do not have to wait until the day of judgement. JAHANNAM Hell or Jahannam is the punishment for unbelievers. Only those who have totally forsaken God will go there: ‘I warn you of the flaming fire. None shall be cast into it but the most wretched, who has called the Truth a lie and turned his back.’ Surah 92:14-16