Presentation Gallery with Key Indicators. Child mortality, 2006 Infant mortality – 71 per 1,000 live births Under 5 mortality – 111 per 1,000 live births.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation Gallery with Key Indicators

Child mortality, 2006 Infant mortality – 71 per 1,000 live births Under 5 mortality – 111 per 1,000 live births Under 5 morality rate is higher for male children (131 deaths) compared to female children (89 death) higher Mortality higher among children of women with low levels of education and among children in rural areas

Infant and under-five mortality rates by sex and area, Ghana, 2006

Nutrition Status, % and 3% of children under-5 years are underweight and severely underweight respectively Malnourishment peaks at age months; 22 percent of children are stunted and 5 percent wasted Children in the Upper East and Northern regions of the country are more underweight, stunted and wasted Boys are more slightly underweight, stunted and wasted than girls.

Percentage of children under-5 who are undernourished, 2006 lll

Breastfeeding, 2006 About 55% of children below 6 months are exclusively breastfed with 65% for children aged 0-3 months Among children 6-9 months, 69% receive breast milk and solid or semi-solid foods 95% still being breastfed at months, and by age months 56% are still being breastfed

Percentage of mothers who started breastfeeding within one hour and within one day of birth, 2006

Breastfeeding, 2006 Exclusive breastfeeding 0-5mths54.4% Timely complementary feeding at 6-9mths 58.7% Continued breastfeeding at 12-15mths 94.6% Continued breastfeeding at 20-23mths 56.1%

Salt Iodization, 2006 Salt is not iodized in 42% of households tested 32% of households use adequately iodized salt (> 15 parts per million (ppm)) and 18% of households use some but not adequately iodized salt (< 15 ppm) The use of adequately iodized salt is twice as high in urban as compared to rural areas

Percentage of Households using adequately iodized salt, 2006

Vitamin A Supplement, % of children aged 6-59 months receive a high dose of Vitamin A supplement 7% of children 6-59 months never received the supplement

Percent of children under 5 years that received a high dose of Vitamin A supplement in the last 6 months, 2006

Low birth weight, 2006 Out of 40% of children weighed at birth, approximately 9% are below 2500 grams No significant variation in low birth weight by background characteristics

Percentage of infants weighing less than 2,500 grams at Birth, Ghana, 2006

Immunization, 2006 Overall, more than 85.2 % of children had health cards 64% of children aged months are fully immunized before the age of 12 months and more than 73% of children 2-23 months have all the required vaccinations About 94% of children aged months receive a BCG vaccination by the age of 12 months First dose of (DPT)HH is given to 94% of children aged months, 89% of the same age group receive second dose and 81% of the same age group receive the third dose 96% of children aged months receive polio by age 12 months and third dose, only 80%

Percentage of children aged months who received the recommended vaccinations by 12 months, Ghana, 2006

Tetanus Toxoid for pregnant women, 2006 Protection level of women who have had a live birth within the last 2 years against tetanus is generally high peaking at 81% at age years 64% of women receive at least 2 doses during the last pregnancy

Percentage of women with a live birth in the last 12 months who are protected against neonatal tetanus, Ghana, 2006 (64 percent

Oral Rehydration Treatment, % of children under-5 years had diarrhoea 19% of children aged 0-59 months with diarrhoea are managed at home Only 9% of infants under 12 months are managed at home as compared to 31 percent of those aged months

Percentage of children aged 0-59 with diarrhoea who received ORT or increased fluids, AND continued feeding, Ghana, 2006

Treatment of Pneumonia, 2006 During the two weeks preceding the survey 5% had symptoms of pneumonia –Of these, 33.6% were taken to an appropriate provider –33% of children under-5 years suspected pneumonia receive an antibiotic treatment – Generally treatment of suspected pneumonia with an antibiotic is very low among poor households Only 2.8% of women knew of the two danger signs of pneumonia

Solid fuels used for cooking, % of households are using solid fuels for cooking Solid fuels are used more in rural areas (96%) compared to urban areas (74%) The higher the educational level of the head of household, the lower the use of solid fuels for cooking (58%) Use of solid fuels lowest among the wealthiest households (49%) compared to poorest households (99.6%)

Solid fuels used for cooking by poverty and education status, 2008 Education status of household head Wealth status of household

Malaria, % of households have at least one mosquito net but, only 19% of households have insecticide treated net (ITN) 33% of children under-five sleep under a mosquito net but 22 percent sleep under an ITN The use of ITN is higher in the rural areas (25%) than in the urban areas (16%) 22% of children under-five were ill with fever. The prevalence of fever is lowest among infants 0-11 months old but peaked at months old children (27 percent) The most widely used appropriate anti-malarial drugs are chloroquine used by 42% of children aged 0-59 months with fever and armodiaquine used by 14%. Of children with fever, 61% are treated with an appropriate anti- malarial drug and 48 percent receive the drug within 24 hours of onset of symptoms

Children under 5-years sleeping under Insecticide Treated Nets by region, 2006

Improved sources of drinking water and sanitary means of excreta disposal, % of the population has access to pipe-borne water in their dwelling, yard or plot or public tap 29% and 6% of the population get their drinking water from boreholes and protected wells respectively 5% depend on sachet water for drinking water and only 0.1% drink bottled water 78% of the population has improved sources of drinking water 61% of the population is using improved sanitation facilities The improved sanitation is however more prevalent in urban areas (83%) than in rural areas (50%)

Percentage of households using both improved sources of drinking water and sanitary means of excreta disposal, 2006

Antenatal Care, 2006 Coverage of antenatal care is relatively high with, 92% of pregnant women aged years receiving medical care at least once from a skilled provider Higher antenatal care by professional health personnel is recorded in the urban areas of the country (96%) than in the rural areas (90%) 10% of pregnant women have their blood pressure checked and weight measured 80% have their urine tested, and 78% have a blood sample taken respectively for laboratory examination 50% of births are delivered with the assistance of a skilled health personnel (doctors, nurse/midwife) 49% of women deliver in a health facility. This is higher in urban areas (77%) compared to rural areas (34%)

Comparison between antenatal care attendance and births attended by skilled personnel, 2006

Primary school net attendance ratio, 2006 MaleFemale Regions Western Central Greater Accra Volta Eastern Ashanti Brong Ahafo7580 Northern Upper East Upper West Residence Urban84.4 Rural

Literacy, %of women and 71% of men are literate In the richest wealth quintile, 81% of women and 85% of men are literates while in the poorest wealth quintile, 30% of women and 38% of men are literate

Percentage of young women and men years that are literate, Ghana 2006

Birth registration, 2006 The births of 51% of children under-five years have been registered 79% of births to mothers with secondary and higher education are registered while only 41% of births to mothers with no education are registered 7 out of every 10 children born in urban areas are registered compared to 4 out of 10 of children born in rural areas

Percentage of children under-5 years whose births are registered, 2006

Knowledge of HIV transmission, % of men and 97% of women have heard of AIDS 60% and 56% of men and women respectively know of all three main ways of preventing HIV transmission However, comprehensive knowledge of HIV (identifying 2 prevention methods and 3 misconceptions) is 31.7% of males and 21.2% for female 41% of men and 28% of women know that a healthy- looking person can be infected 92% of men and 93% of women know that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child

Percentage of yrs with comprehensive knowledge on HIV/AIDS, 2006 MaleFemale Education No Education10.69 Primary Education Middle/JSS Secondary Wealth Quintiles Poorest quintile Richest quintile

Comprehensive knowledge (identify 2 preventive methods and 3 misconceptions) by region, 2006