by William Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
The Capulets Lord & Lady Capulet Tybalt Nurse Juliet Peter Sampson & Gregory
The Montagues Lord & Lady Montague Romeo Benvolio Balthasar Abram
Others Prince Mercutio (M) Friar Laurence Friar John Count Paris Citizens
Act I
Scene i - Town Square (Sunday afternoon) Biting thumb insult. First fight, _________ tries to stop it. Prince comes in and forbids them from fighting or they will be punished with _______. We find out Romeo is heartbroken over _________. Benvolio tells him to forget her and look at other girls.
Scene ii - A street Paris tells Capulet he wants to marry _______. Capulet will consent to this if he can win __________ ___________. Capulet plans a ________. He sends a servant out with a list of people he would like to invite. The servant cannot ________. He asks Romeo to read the list. Rosaline is on the list. The servant invites them.
Scene iii - The Capulet House - Juliet’s Room (Sunday Evening) Juliet’s mother wants to know if she would like to _____________. Juliet is not interested. Her __________ tells her about Paris’ request.
Scene iv - A street Outside the Capulet House (Sunday Evening) Romeo and his friends are talking about the ___________. Romeo doesn’t want to go. They talk him into it.
Scene v - A Hall in the Capulet House (Sunday Evening) Romeo and his friends enter the party. __________ recognizes Romeo. He tells Capulet. Capulet tells Tybalt to just ignore him. He is not causing any trouble. Tybalt agrees, but is still ________. Romeo and Juliet meet. Touch hands and _________. CONFLICT - ________________________________
Act II
Scene i - Near Capulet’s Orchard (very late Sunday night - early Monday morning) Romeo runs and climbs the Capulet’s orchard wall. __________ makes fun of Romeo, and Benvolio tries to defend Romeo.
Scene ii - Capulet’s Orchard “The Famous Balcony Scene” Romeo sees _________ talking to herself up on the balcony. Romeo speaks to Juliet and tells her he will no longer be Romeo if she says she _______ him. Romeo and Juliet swear love to each other. They promise to _________.
Scene iii – Friar Laurence’s Cell (Monday at dawn) Friar Laurence questions Romeo’s desire to marry because just yesterday he was in love with _________, now he wants to marry ___________. Friar Laurence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet, hoping ______________________________ __________________.
Scene iv –A Street (Monday 9 am) Benvolio and Mercutio are talking about Romeo and how he never came home that night. They talk about ______________ to Romeo. Mercutio makes fun of how Tybalt __________. When Romeo shows up, he and Mercutio have a battle of wits. Mercutio assumes Romeo was gone because of _________________. Romeo’s mood has changed because he is planning _______________________.
The nurse wants to talk to Romeo alone, so Benvolio and Mercutio tease her. Romeo tells the nurse that Mercutio is all talk and likes the sound of his own voice. The Nurse makes sure Romeo is serious about Juliet and the marriage. Romeo tells the nurse to tell Juliet to say she is going to ____________ and they will be married this _______________. The nurse tells Romeo about Paris, and that Juliet is not interested in Paris. She loves ___________.
Scene v – Capulet’s Orchard Juliet is anxious for the Nurse to return. Juliet wants to know what Romeo has said to the nurse, but the nurse __________. The nurse finally tells Juliet that she is to meet Romeo in ____________________ to be married that afternoon.
Scene vi – Friar Laurence’s Cell (Monday afternoon) The ________ hopes that through the marriage the Capulets and the Montaques can resolve their conflict. Juliet arrives and confesses her love to Romeo.
Romeo and Juliet are married between Acts II & III
Scene i - A public place (late Monday afternoon) Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo meet up with ___________________. Tybalt calls Romeo to a duel. Romeo declines and tries to make peace because he is now Tybalt’s _________. Tybalt still wants to fight. ___________ steps in and fights Tybalt. Romeo tries to stop them. Mercutio is stabbed under __________ arm. He dies.
Romeo in a rage kills _________. The Prince arrives. Benvolio tells him and the others what has happened. Lady Capulet wants Romeo to pay. Lord Montague wants to help Romeo. The Prince ___________ Romeo from Verona.
Turning Point Occurs in Act III ________________ Act III Act II Act IV Act I Act V
Scene ii - Capulet’s Orchard Juliet is anxious for the evening to come, so that she can be with _____________. The Nurse arrives and says, “He’s dead, he’s dead.” Juliet thinks that ______ is dead. Eventually, the Nurse tells her that it is Tybalt that is dead and that Romeo has killed him. She tells her that Romeo has been ________.
Juliet wants the Nurse to give Romeo a ring and tell him to come to her room that night. Juliet is worried about never seeing Romeo again and not about _____________________.
Scene iii - Friar Laurence’s Cell The Friar tells Romeo he is banished. Romeo is _______________. He would rather be dead. Friar tells him he is ungrateful. Romeo tells the Friar that without Juliet he may as well be __________. The Nurse comes and tells them that Juliet is devastated also.
The Friar tells Romeo to go to __________ until he has talked the Prince and asked him to reconsider his decision. He hopes that he can announce the marriage of Romeo and Juliet, and therefore _______ the families. The Friar does not want to get in ___________ for secretly marrying Romeo & Juliet. The ______________ gives Romeo the ring and tells him that Juliet wants him to come to her room tonight.
Scene iv - A room in the Capulet house (Monday night) Paris still wants to marry _____________. Lord Capulet tells Paris that they are all mourning, but he can marry Juliet on ___________________. Lord Capulet hopes this will cheer up Juliet.
Scene v - Capulet’s Orchard (Tuesday at dawn) Juliet and Romeo are together, and it is almost morning. Nurse tells Juliet that her ________________ is coming. Romeo and Juliet bid each other good-bye. Lady Capulet comes. She thinks Juliet is sad because of _____________________. Lady Capulet tells Juliet she is to _____________________ on Thursday. Juliet tells her mother she __________________ marry Paris.
Lord Capulet enters and is outraged when Juliet tells him she will not marry __________. He calls her ungrateful and threatens to _______________ her if she does not obey. Juliet once again threatens to ________ herself. Juliet asks her mother to ________________ the wedding. She refuses to speak to her. Juliet turns to the Nurse and begs her to do something. The Nurse tells Juliet she is better off ____________________ Paris. Juliet feels betrayed and alone. She will go to _______________________ for help.
Act IV
Scene i - Friar Laurence’s Cell (Tuesday Afternoon) _____________ is talking to Friar to arrange his upcoming marriage to Juliet Juliet shows up and Paris wants her to tell him she ___________ him. Paris bids Juliet good-bye. He tells her he will see her early ________________ morning. Juliet begs Friar to do something about her marriage to Paris. Juliet threatens to ___________ herself.
Friar thinks up a _____________. The Plan - He will give Juliet a potion that will make her look _______. After _________ hours she will wake up. In the mean time, Friar will send a _________ to Romeo and he and the Friar will be there when she wakes up. Her and Romeo will then _________ and live happily ever after.
Scene ii - Hall in Capulet’s House (Tuesday late-afternoon) Lord Capulet is preparing for the ___________. Juliet tells them she will marry Paris. Everyone is happy because the wedding will take place. Lord Capulet moves the wedding to ______________. Juliet is happy because she has found a way to be with _______________.
Scene iii - Juliet’s Chamber (Late Tuesday Night) Juliet tells the nurse and Lady Capulet that she wants to be ___________ tonight. They agree. Juliet expresses her fears. She fears that ____________________. If this is true she will kill herself with a dagger. She fears the Friar may have given her ________________________. She fears waking up early and _______________ ________________________.
She fears that if she wakes up early she will find ___________________________. She fears this will make her mad. She eventually decides she has no other choice. She drinks the potion and falls.
Scene iv - Hall in the Capulet House (Wednesday Morning) Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet, and the nurse are preparing for the wedding. Lady Capulet tells the nurse to go wake ______________.
Scene v - Juliet’s Chamber (Wednesday Morning) The nurse finds Juliet. She thinks she is ______________. The nurse starts screaming and crying. Lady Capulet hears this and comes running. She sees Juliet. She screams and cries. Lord Capulet comes in. He sees Juliet. They are all in shock. _________ and ____________ arrive for the wedding. They find Juliet.
The Friar tells them that Juliet is now in heaven and they prepare for her funeral. The musician scene shows the audience that “____________________________.”
Act V
Scene i - Mantua: A Street (Thursday Morning) Romeo has a dream that he dies, and Juliet kisses him. ______________ tells Romeo that Juliet is dead. The plan is foiled because __________________ _________________________. Romeo tries to find an _______________ to give him poison. He finds one who looks like he needs ________.
Reluctantly, the apothecary sells him the poison Reluctantly, the apothecary sells him the poison. He can be put to death if caught. The apothecary tells Romeo the poison has the strength to kill __________ men.
Scene ii - Friar Laurence’s Cell (Thursday Late afternoon) Friar ____________ tells Friar Laurence he was unable to deliver the letter to Romeo. He was locked in a city with a ______________ ______________. They would not let him leave. Friar Laurence is upset because Romeo does not know what is going on.
Scene iii - A Churchyard, In it a monument belonging to the Capulets (Thursday Night) Paris has come to the tomb to say good-bye to ______________. Paris hides because he hears someone coming. Romeo and Balthasar arrive at the tomb. Romeo tells Balthasar to ___________________ _________________. Being worried about Romeo, Balthasar stays and hides to keep an eye on Romeo.
Romeo breaks into the _____________ and Paris sees him. Paris is upset Romeo breaks into the _____________ and Paris sees him . . . Paris is upset. He tries to take Romeo into custody. Romeo and _______ fight in the doorway of the tomb. Romeo kills _______, while he is dying he asks to be buried next to Juliet. Romeo _______. Romeo enters the tomb and sees Juliet lying there. He thinks she looks __________. Romeo is sorry for killing ________ and drinks the poison.
Friar Laurence comes to the tomb. He wonders who is inside Friar Laurence comes to the tomb. He wonders who is inside. ___________ tells him it is Romeo. The Friar enters the tomb to find Romeo and _______ dead. Juliet awakens and asks Friar where Romeo is. The Friar wants Juliet to leave with him and he will keep her safe. She refuses and states that she wants to stay with Romeo. After the Friar leaves she ________ herself.
The watchmen find the tomb broken into The watchmen find the tomb broken into. When they enter they find ______, ______ and ______ all dead. Other watchmen outside find ________ and _______ _______ trying to leave. Lord and Lady _________ show up and want to know what happened. Lord Montague shows up and tells them that _______ _______ has died because of the grief caused by Romeo’s exile.
Friar Laurence tells everyone the story Friar Laurence tells everyone the story. Balthasar gives the Prince a __________ that Romeo wrote to Lord Montague. The letter confirms what the Friar said. The Prince blames the ________ between the families for the death of Romeo and Juliet. The Prince also blames _________ for not stopping it sooner. He is sad to have lost his relatives Paris and Mercutio. Lord Capulet and Lord Montague come together at last and the feud is over.
“For never was a story of more ______ Than this of ________ & her Romeo.” Act V Scene iii
The End