How did people communicate when they experience them? Amira Muktar
Emotions are those feeling with a mental and physiological states that include a wide verity of feelings, thought, and behavior that every one virtually has.
There are only two basic emotions that we all experience love and fear I' am presenting fear based emotion such as anger emotion Jealous emotion Grief emotion
Anger is an emotion that every one learns to feel and express since early age. Anger does not to be sub tile; it came’s on strong over whelms further more it affects how we communicate with other Anger emotion leads to hard feeling, such as a sense of lose self control, damage and broke relationship, and even physically violence
Jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity. Jealousy is a fear over an anticipated loss of something that the person value such as, Relationship Friendship love
Grief is one’s own person experience of loss. Mourning on the other hand is grief gone public it is the out ward sharing and excretion of the pain. People express the pain of grief with a verity of emotional response which include Shock, denial, guilt,fear
In conclusion emotions are our body malty dimensional response to any event such as anger, jealousy, grief. People express those emotions in a verity of ways. I was concentrated on negative response of those emotions because we all experience them in one way or another.