MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing Malaria MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing
Background An estimated 350-500 million clinical malaria cases and more than one million malaria deaths occur each year, with 90% of these deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa. Repeated episodes of fever and anemia take a toll on a child’s mental and physical development - impairing their education and their growth into productive adults. Pregnant women and their unborn children are also particularly vulnerable to malaria, which is a major cause of low birth weight, anemia and infant death.
International Goals & Targets Have halted and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases Reduce by one half the burden of disease associated with malaria and ensure that 60% of all people at risk of malaria, especially children and women, sleep under insecticide-treated bednets
List of Indicators Household availability of ITNs or any net Children under five sleeping under an ITN Malaria treatment for children under five Intermittent preventive malaria treatment
Definition of Indicators Household Availability of ITNs or Any Net Percentage of households with at least one insecticide-treated net (or any net) Numerator: Number of households with at least one mosquito net, either permanently treated or treated within the previous 12 months (or any net) Denominator: Number of households surveyed
Table CH.10: Availability of ITNs Tabulation Plan Table CH.10: Availability of ITNs
Definition of Indicators Children Under-Five Sleeping Under ITNs Percentage of children under five sleeping under an insecticide-treated net Numerator: Number of children aged 0-59 months that slept under and insecticide-treated net the previous night Denominator: Number of children aged 0-59 months surveyed
Definition of Indicators Malaria Treatment in Children Under-Five Percentage of children under five with reported fever receiving antimalarials Numerator: Number of children aged 0-59 months reported to have fever in the 2 weeks prior to the survey that were treated with an appropriate antimalarial within 24 hours of onset of symptoms Denominator: Number of children aged 0-59 months surveyed that were reported to have fever in the 2 weeks prior to the survey
Methodological Issues Insecticide-treated nets include a mosquito net, either permanently treated or treated within the previous 12 months
Table CH.11: Children sleeping under bednets Tabulation Plan Table CH.11: Children sleeping under bednets
% children aged 0-59 months sleeping under an ITN ITN Use % children aged 0-59 months sleeping under an ITN
Methodological Issues Appropriate antimalarial treatment includes SP/Fansidar, Chloroquine, Amodiaquine, Quinine, Artemisinin-based combinations or other antimalarials (not paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen) given same day or next day Comparability issue since most surveys did not consider timing of anti-malarial treatment. Growing resistance to Chloroquine and SP/Fansidar treatment in some areas, which reduces the effectiveness of those drugs. Changes in drug policies for anti-malarial treatment.
Methodological Issues
Methodological Issues Percentages given various antimalarials will not add to 100 since children may have been given more than one type of drug Use of GPS (geocoding) to identify malarious parts of countries.
Methodological Issues Issue of timing of antimalarial treatment: any time v. same day/next day
Tabulation Plan (Antimalarials)
% children aged 0-59 months with fever receiving antimalarials Antimalarial Use % children aged 0-59 months with fever receiving antimalarials
Definition of Indicators Intermittent Preventive Malaria Treatment Percentage of pregnant women receiving intermittent preventive malaria treatment (IPT) Numerator: Number of women receiving appropriate intermittent medication to prevent malaria (defined as at least 2 doses of SP/Fansidar) during the last pregnancy leading to a live birth within the 2 years prior to the survey Denominator: Number of women who have had a live birth within the 2 years prior to the survey
Methodological Issues Note that if the percentage of pregnant women receiving SP/Fansidar an unknown number of times is less than 1% this column may be omitted from the table
CH.13: Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria Tabulation Plan CH.13: Intermittent preventive treatment for malaria