Under-5 Questionnaire Immunization Module
Global proportion of one year old children vaccinated against measles; Source: WHO UNICEF National Coverage Estimates
MDG 4: Reduce Child Mortality by two thirds among children under five Indicator 15 - Proportion of 1 year old children immunized against measles
World Fit for Children By 2005, Reduction in infant and under-five mortality rate by at least 1/3, in pursuit of the goal of reducing it by 2/3 by 2015 Ensure full immunization of children under one year of age at 90% nationally, with at least 80% coverage in every district or equivalent administrative unit –Extend the benefits of new and improved vaccines and other preventive health interventions to children in all countries (Hepatitis B, Hib, Yellow Fever, etc)
GUYANA 1. Obtain country specific child immunization card(s) Preparation:
2) Obtain the most recent national immunization schedule for children Age GroupVaccine Usual location of delivery At birth or by 2 monthsBCG and OPV (zero dose) Left shoulder By mouth 2 months or 8 weeks1 st dose of Oral polio Vaccine (OPV) 1 st dose of pentavalent (Hepatitis B, DPT + Hib) By mouth Began Pentavalent in 1999 Upper thigh 4 months or 16 weeks2 nd dose of OPV 2 nd dose of pentavalent By mouth Upper thigh 6 months or 24 weeks3 rd dose of OPV 3 rd dose of Pentavalent By mouth Upper thigh 12 months or 1 yearMeasles Mumps Rubella (MMR) Yellow Fever (YF) Upper right arm 18 months or 1 year 6 months Booster OPV and DPT vaccine By mouth Upper thigh 45 months or 3 years 9 months Booster OPV, DPT, MMR By mouth Upper Thigh Upper right arm 15 years plusDT vaccines for pregnant women Upper right arm Guyana
3) Find out if any immunization campaigns were carried out in previous year Polio National Immunization Days Measles campaigns Other vaccine campaigns (e.g., Yellow Fever) Others (to distinguish between antigens and probe for answers)
4) Adapt the Questionnaire:
Omit extra antigens Correct combinations if necessary Change order for dates according to common practices Omit extra antigens 4) Adapt the Questionnaire:
Rules of Thumb Ensure a vaccine is given nationwide before including on the questionnaire (sometimes there is a phased introduction) DPT, Polio, Hepatitis B, Hib commonly given at same visit (same schedule) Dont confuse lot number information with dates