Bibliometrics toolkit: ISI products Website: Last edited: 11 Mar 2011 Thomson Reuters ISI product set is the market leader for bibliometrics and their range of products is the most widely used The product suite includes Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Essential Science Indicators, ScienceWatch, InCites, ResearcherID and others – this poster covers the key resources Journal Citation Reports is the original journal ranking tool, first developed in the 1950s, and it is the current market leader for journal ranking There are serious issues with use of these tools in many fields, particularly humanities, applied technologies and multidisciplinary areas, due to lack of coverage of the literature and inadequate categorisation in these areas ISI – key facts Key facts Citations date back to 1900, the longest set available in any product if you have access to the extended dataset 10,000+ active journals covered, 80% in the “hard” sciences Some points and limitations to note A highly selective range of high impact journals are included in this dataset Open Access journals and conference proceedings are poorly covered, despite some additions. Monographs are not included in any numbers Strong English language and US and Western bias Lack of standard author names – all result sets must be checked and pruned – tools are provided to help pick all variant forms of an author name Lack of standard affiliation details, and only three organisations can be attributed to each individual author which is not always enough for a whole career Main alternative citation data sources for comparison Scopus from Elsevier. Google Scholar with Publish or Perish software application or Scholarometer add-on for Firefox/Chrome Subject specialist databases with citation information, available in some fields - Life Sciences get better coverage in Medline for example, Computer Science in CiteseerX or ACM Web of Science Cited Reference Search for an author or group – Find the articles that cite a person's work, analyse citing material by geography, discipline, document type. Includes citations found in indexed materials to any of the author’s work in any formats, not just to those journals and works picked for inclusion in the index. Create a citation report for an author – includes publications and citations per year, and h-index for the author. These reports use only citations to materials in the select titles indexed in the product itself for the calculations. Check citations for an individual article – Get a count of cites for an individual article, view the citing articles, obtain a citation map. Cited Reference Search for a journal – Find all the articles citing materials in a particular journal title, limiting to a date range of publication if desired, and obtain a citation report for the journal content including publications and citations per year, and h-index for the journal. ISI Journal Citation Reports An annual subscription product appearing about 6 months after the year of analysis JCR covered in ,300+ science journals and 2,200+ social science journals in the two sets available Provides 171 subject categories for science and technology and 55 in the social sciences – multidisciplinary areas are categorised poorly or not at all so the product is of little use in such areas It takes three years for a journal to appear in JCR and this is problematic in fast moving areas – and for new journals Get a list of top ranked journals in your field – sort to highlight a number of different aspects: count of citations, 2 year impact, 5 year impact; immediacy index which measures how soon articles are cited in a journal, and half-life which measures whether citing continues over time for a journal’s content. Also provides 2 eigenfactor metrics which take into account the impact of the citing journals and if they in turn are heavily cited, as a weighting factor in the eigenfactor calculation Check an individual journal title to see its impact and ranking Obtain similar metrics for an individual title; also includes analysis year by year and graphical presentation, details of citing and cited journals, and ranking of the journal title in all relevant categories in JCR it is listed under Essential Science Indicators Science Watch Offers data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries, and journals and showing top 1% and 5% of research in the various fields Covers 22 fields of science Uses a rolling 10 year trend analysis and updates every 2 months to progressively expand the current year Tracks trends and performance in basic research using select data from Essential Science Indicators.