Scholarly Information New model for Brazil
Table of Contents Scholarly Communication today Scholarly Communication today Solution: Open Archives & Open Access Solution: Open Archives & Open Access Movement of Open Access in the world Movement of Open Access in the world Ibict’s actions towards Open Access Ibict’s actions towards Open Access Conclusion Conclusion
Scholarly Communication Today Dissatisfaction with the established scholarly communication system; Huge rising subsctiption prices; Latency between results and their actual publication; Copyright; Concentration of knowledge in the northern hemisphere; Cognitive exclusion; New information and communication technologies provide alternatives to facilitate the access to Scholarly Information; Movement of Open Access to knowlege.
Modelo Open Archives In 1991 the National Laboratory of Los Alamos launched the repository ArXiv; Other repositories: CogPrints - Psicology, Linguistics and Neuroscience; NCSTRL (Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library); NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertations) – 170 countries; RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), 54 countries; 1999 – Santa Fé – Set up OAI – Open Archives Initiative; The goal of the OAI is to contribute in a concrete manner to the transformation of scholarly communication. After the set up of OAI, many software open source packages appear (OJS, E-prints, OCS, Dspace, Fedora, CDSware...)
Functional Schema of OA Data Providers Harvest via OAI-PMH Service Providers
Advantage using OA Quick dissemination of scholarly information self- archived in this repositories Improving the visibility of papers self-archived in this repositories High impact factor Open access => quick dissemination => better visibility => possibility of high impact factor Better interoperability between repositories OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting )
Movement of Open Access Out//1999 => Set up de Open Archives Initiative, Santa Fé Convention 2001 => Open letter of the Public Library of Science (PLoS) => Declaration of Budapest for the Open Acces to knowledge => Letter of ECHO => Declaration of Bethesda => Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) => Declaration of Berlim on Open Access to Knowledge Nov/2003=> Declaration of Principles of Wellcome Trust supporting Open Access => Declaration of IFLA => Declaration of Principle of World Summit on the Information Society. (SMSI) => Declaration of Valparaíso => Declaration of OCDE => Washington DC Principles for Free Access to Science => Publishing of Report: SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: FREE FOR ALL? => Lauched by Ibict : Brazilian Manifest Supporting Open Acces to SI => Declaration of Salvador about Open Acces: The perspective of Developing Countries (9th International Congress of Health and Libraries) Dez/2005=> Letter of São Paulo Mai/2006=> Declaration of Florianópolis (Psicology Brazilian Association )
IBICT’s actions towards Open Access Research and follow up of model Open Archives since 2001; Research and follow up of model Open Archives since 2001; Develoment of Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation (BDTD) OAI-PMH complaint; Develoment of Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation (BDTD) OAI-PMH complaint; Research, identification, customization and distribution of software open source to build OAI compliant repositories and electronic publications; Research, identification, customization and distribution of software open source to build OAI compliant repositories and electronic publications; Political articulation to sensitize all scientific community (universities, researchers, fund agencies, Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science, Brazilian Academy of Science and others). Political articulation to sensitize all scientific community (universities, researchers, fund agencies, Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science, Brazilian Academy of Science and others). Political Articulation to design and establish a National Policy for Open Access to Scholarly Information Political Articulation to design and establish a National Policy for Open Access to Scholarly Information
Some Results Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation integrates 57 brazilian universities and has around 42 thousands of full text theses and dissertations; Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertation integrates 57 brazilian universities and has around 42 thousands of full text theses and dissertations; More than 180 journals use SEER; More than 180 journals use SEER; Brazilian Manifest Supporting Open Acces could be a guideline to the national policy for open access to scholarly information; Brazilian Manifest Supporting Open Acces could be a guideline to the national policy for open access to scholarly information; Many brazilian institutions (universities and research institutes) use SEER, DSPACE and Dici; Many brazilian institutions (universities and research institutes) use SEER, DSPACE and Dici;
Conclusion We need to strengthen the human interoperability in order to achieve the goal of Open Access to information; We need to strengthen the human interoperability in order to achieve the goal of Open Access to information; We need to convince all segments of the scholarly community about the importance of Open Access to Information. We need to convince all segments of the scholarly community about the importance of Open Access to Information.
Thank you!!! Hélio Kuramoto General Coordinator of Research and Support to Consolidated Products SAS Quadra 05 Lote 06 Bloco H – Brasília, DF Brazil