Open Access to Croatian Scientific Journals Croatian national team (Ana Gabrijela Blažević, Ivica Čevis, Davor Ferković, Ida Indir, Martina Maksimkov, Petra Miočić, Martina Salaj) IP LibCMASS Sofia 2011 Contract № 2011-ERA-IP-7 Sofia, September, 2011
International initatives in Croatia Croatian initiative is based on 3 documents : – Budapest OA initiative – Berlin declaration on OA to knowledge in the sciences and humanities – Bethesda statment on OA publishing
Open Access in Croatia Collaboration between CLA and CIDA CIDA cofounder and codeveloper of Hrčak Croatia is peripheral scientific community
Open Access in Croatia 3 specificities in Croatia: Accessibility (and visibility) problem Language Scientific publisher types
Croatian open repositories in ROAR, DOAR and DOAJ ROAR finds Hrčak, Digital archive of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and Digital Repository of Medical faculty in Zagreb. Open DOAR finds Digital archive of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, FAMENA PhD Collection, FOI digital library, Hrčak and Digital Repository of Medical faculty in Zagreb. DOAJ finds 80 results.
80 results All publications are free to use. Some of them are connected to Hrčak and the others are connected to their own web repositories.
Scientific area wich are covered: Oceanography, Botany, Medicine, Arts, Computer science, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Agriculture, History, Archeology, Anthropology, Chemistry, Religion, Nutrition and Food Sciences, Forestry, Sociology, Economics, Philosophy, Physics, Languages and Literature, Geography, Mechanical Engineering
Hrčak: Portal of scientific journals of Croatia Hrčak is the central portal of Croatian scientific journals. Hrčak offers the access to the journals following the Open Access Initiative. Hrčak stat: Journals: 266 Issues: 4999 Articles without full text: 4521 Articles with full text: 65327
Hrčak: Portal of scientific journals of Croatia You can browse journals by scientific areas: Natural sciences Technical sciences Biomedicine and health Biotechnical sciences Social sciences Humanities
Hrčak: Portal of scientific journals of Croatia There is also Alphabetical journals list and Artical search. In Advanced search you can search through articles by author, title, abstract, keyword, publisher, journal, scientific field, fulltext, year and language. If you have problems with search, you can use Search instructions.
University of Zagreb Medical School Repository It is possible to make open access to directory without registration. Full text is available. Items may be browsed by the following: NLM Classification Mentor Author Item type You can search specific paper by Full Text/Title/Croatian abstract/Authors/Creators/Date.
Digital archive of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb It is possible to make open access to directory without registration. Items may be browsed by the following: – Year, Area of expertise and Department It can be searched by year, author or by title It is posible to see full text only if paper is also in Hrčak database.
FOI digital library Digital library of Faculty of Organisation and Informatics in Varaždin For browsing and searching in FOI digital library you must be logged in.
Bibliography FOI Digitalni arhiv Filozofskog fakulteta Repozitorij Medicinskog fakulteta Hrčak Registry of Open Access Repositories OpenDOAR DOAJ
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