Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys MICS3 Regional Training Workshop Anthropometry
Child malnutrition is a major contributor to child mortality and morbidity Background Childrens Questionnaire ANTHROPOMETRY MODULE
Goals World Fit for Children Goal: Between , reduction of child malnutrition among children under 5 years by at least one third Childrens Questionnaire ANTHROPOMETRY MODULE
Indicators % under fives who are Underweight (low weight-for-age, <-2 SD) and severely underweight (<-3 SD) Stunted (low height-for-age, <-2 SD) and severely stunted (<-3 SD) Wasted (low weight-for-height, <-2 SD) and severely wasted (<-3 SD) Childrens Questionnaire ANTHROPOMETRY MODULE
Purpose Assess prevalence of malnutrition in children under 5 years Eligibility All children under 5 years in all countries Childrens Questionnaire ANTHROPOMETRY MODULE
Preparation Equipment –Weight scales –Height/length boards Training In class Standardization exercise Pilot test Childrens Questionnaire ANTHROPOMETRY MODULE
Issues Recommended equipment available or purchase new equipment? Light clothing, remove shoes, socks, hats Weighing children Do not weigh children with missing limbs or casts If child cannot stand, mother holds child If child can stand, stands on scale Childrens Questionnaire ANTHROPOMETRY MODULE
Issues Length/height of children Do not measure children with certain deformities <2 years (if age unknown, <85 cm), lying down (2 survey personnel needed) >2 years (if age unknown, >85 cm), standing up Childrens Questionnaire ANTHROPOMETRY MODULE