Getting Started with Compare and Contrast
Finding Similarities and Differences You may be asked to compare and contrast literary elements within one selection You may be asked to compare the following in a text: characters, setting, subject, tone, main idea, author’s purpose, etc. You may be asked to compare and contrast a particular element between any two different items – cereals, movies, cars, cable providers, foods These types of comparisons may include: type, model, cost, features, etc. ANYTIME you are asked to create a compare/contrast – KNOW YOUR TOPIC!!!
Sample Questions… What are the major differences in how beef and chicken are marketed in the United States? Which poem presents a more positive, appealing view of a ceremony? How do the ads of Abercrombie and Holister vary? What do Burger King and McDonald’s have in common? What are the major differences between popular social media outlets?
Finding the answers! When finding or creating comparisons and contrasts: Use and/or look for key words – ◦Similarities: likewise, similarly, in the same way ◦Differences: unlike, on the other hand, however, differently Your answer should include a general statement suggesting why the similarities/differences are important Differences are generally more difficult to identify and even create, but they are there! In reading you will use inferencing skills. In writing, you have to make a purposeful effort! Organize the details to make sense of them in both reading and writing (reading = annotation, writing = planning) In writing, charts are a great way to brainstorm
Thinking about two topics Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks SimilaritiesDifferences Offers different flavors Can order food in both Both very popular Both busy in the morn Iced coffee in both (coolatta and frappuccino) Both attached to something (D&D and Baskin Robbins and Starbucks and Target) Starbucks more expensive Starbucks has more flavors Can customize Starbucks Stronger/bolder Starbucks Dunkin offers more options in food, especially for breakfast More drive thru for D&D-convenience Can add to your own Starbucks (sugar, cream, cinnamon)
Let’s Brainstorm Together… Let’s create a chart like the one you just saw. What are the similarities and differences between Facebook and Twitter? Make sure you write this in your notebook. Start thinking about two topics on your own. In class on Thursday, you will be working with these two topics to find similarities and differences. Will be a formative grade.