1 Potential Projects CDM_IRIS Morocco Potential Projects CDM_IRIS Morocco Kick off meeting, may 2003 CIEDE/CDER
2 Projects segmentation Energy Efficiency (3 projects) Renewable Energy (6 projects) Waste (1 project ) Transportation ( )
3 Project 1 Solar water heaters PARTNERS : CDER & Partners Descriptive : Substitution of electric water heaters by solar water heaters Potential : m2 / 10 years - electricity savings ( MWh/year) Aim of the project : avoid 0.43 M t E-CO 2 in 10 years Value of credits : M $US 1.3 3.0 Investment required : $US/m2 : 350 M$US ~ 140
4 Projet 2 Woodfuel Energy Efficiency in Hammams PARTNERS : Hammams Federation, CDER Descriptive : - replacement of conventional furnaces with improved ones in 5,000 Hammams - fuelwood savings 40% (0.5 M t/year) Aim of the project : avoid 5.9 M t E-CO 2 in 10 years Value of credits : M $US 17.6 41.0 Investment required : $US/unit 6,000 M $US ~ 30
6 Project 3: Fight against air pollution in Potteries, workbricks, ceramics Project 3: Fight against air pollution in Potteries, workbricks, ceramics PARTNERS : Potteries Associations, CDER, SEE, MAES Descriptive : - replacement of conventional furnaces with improved ones in 12,000 potteries - substitution of rubber, jagged tire, fuelwood - Saving fuels (100 Mt/year) Investment required : $US/unit 20,000 M $US ~ 240
7 Projet 4: Biogas recovery from landfills PARTNERS : Urban Communities, CDER Descriptive : 750,000 t / year of MSW Casablanca 153,000 t / year of MSW Marrakech 70,000 t of biogas per year to be recovered to produce 85,000 MWh / year Aim of the project : avoid 11.6 M t E CO 2 in 25 years Value of credits : M $US 34.8 81.2 Investment required : M $US 25
8 Project 5: PV rural electrification Project 5: PV rural electrification PARTNERS : rural Communities, ONE, CDER … Potential : 300,000 households by 2011 Aim of the project : avoid xxx M t E CO 2 in 25 years Value of credits : M $US x x Investment required : M $US 300
9 Project 6 : ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION FOR WATER DESSALINATION AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Project 6 : ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION FOR WATER DESSALINATION AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS PROJECT DATA SHEET Descriptive : The project is about the decentralized electricity production by wind energy for sea water desalination and salt water and also about a number of industrial applications, in rural areas (ice production…). The project concerns wind farms installation for decentralized production capacity of about 500 MW until 2012 (50 MW/year). Partners : ONEP, CDER, others Public establishments, Local collectivities, Private/Industrial sector Emissions reduction: The environmental impact will be on reducing the GHG emission at the national level, in order to ovoid new thermal stations building for electricity production : 180 GWH/year/0.88 x799 tECO 2 /GWh : tECO 2 /year. Cost and advantage: The project will permit to earn: /kWh/year/0. 6 DH/kWh = 108 MDH, which is 9 MUS$. 0.88: Losses factor concerning transportation and distribution of electricity 799 tCO 2 / GWh: Average coefficient of thermal stations emissions. Investment : The total investment of the project is about 500 M $US.
10 Project 7: Thermosolar Plant for Electricity and Industrial Heat Production Project 7: Thermosolar Plant for Electricity and Industrial Heat Production Partners: CDER, ONE, Multinational Cooperation, International Cooperation, Private sector Descriptive of the project : This project consists in realizing thermosolar plants to produce electricity, that will be injected in the national grid, and to produce industrial heat (steam over 450°C x 1000 bars) and of low price (0.5 Euro cent/thermal Kwh). The total capacity forseen to be installed 200 MW by year Investment: The investment for the first phase of the project (200 Mw) is about 234 MUS$. Energy production : 365 GWh/yr Emissions reduction: Reduction of GHG emission: tE- CO 2 /yr (~ tE-CO 2 / 15 year ) Advantage and cost : Comparing this project with the grid project, this will permit to realize a benefit of: Kwh/an*0,6Dh/Kwh=216MDh or (20 M$US).
11 Project 8 Energy & Environment Micro-Firms Dissemination program in the Moroccan urban areas MEE (CDER-SEE project) Project 8: Energy & Environment Micro-Firms Dissemination program in the Moroccan urban areas MEE (CDER-SEE project) Partners : CDER, SEE, National Banks, National Economical Operators, Funds donors, local communities, private sector Project Summary : The “MEE (CDER-SEE project)" concerning the carry out of the micro- firm network for promotion and dissemination of Renewable Energy also for energy saving solutions in the Moroccan urban areas. In addition, those micro-firms will play the role of: - Collectors and storage points for the urban wastes and recycling products. - Energy adviser to private and public institutions Project Descriptive : The “MEE (CDER-SEE project)" will concern the implantation of 1000 micro-firms by the year of 2011 with an average of 100 MEE/Year. Those "Micro-Firms" will be managed by young promoters, winners of Engineers and technician Schools, universities…. and will be used as a focus point for the dissemination of renewable energy and substitute solutions (as gaz…) More than a socio-economic benefit (creation of about 4000 to 5000 jobs…) the “MEE (CDER-SEE project)" will have a positive environmental impact by reducing GHG emissions. Reduction of GHG Emissions: ~18 MtE-CO2 are estimated /10 years
12 Project 9: Windfarm in Essaouira PARTNER : Office National de l’Electricité (ONE) Descriptive : 60 MW windfarm Technical features : 60 MW 210,000 MWh/year Aim of the project : avoid 4.9 M t E-CO Value of credits : M $US 14.7 34.3 Investment required : M $US 59.4 ($ 990/kW) Under discussion with WB/PCF
13 Projet 10 Windfarm at the new Tétouan cement factory PARTNER : LAFARGE-CIMENTS Descriptive : 10 MW windfarm Technical features : 10 MW 35,000 MWh / year Aim of the project : avoid 0.8 million t E-CO 2 (32550 t/year) Value of credits : M $US 2.4 5.7 Investment required : M $ US 9.6 ($ 970/kW) Under consideration in ERUPT/NL
14 Projet 11 Mass Transportation Partners: CDER, MET, Private sector, Local Communities Descriptive: urban mass transportation Number of urban buses (1999): 4250 Number of intercity buses: Number of trucks : Number of taxis : % cars /gasoline (essence) : 51% % cars/ Gasoil : 49% % GHG emission: 23%/ energy emission Great potential of GHG reduction
15 Other Projects Use of fly ash in cement industry PARTNER : Association Professionnelle des Cimentiers Descriptive : replacement of 6.6% of the clinker with fly ash from coal- fueled power plants in cement processing Heat Recovery System (HRS) in phosphate industry PARTNER: Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) Descriptive : HRS on sulfuric acid production to increase Electricity generation at two sites : Safi & Jorf Lasfar PARTNER: Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP) Descriptive : replacement of 1 Mt / year of black phosphate with clear phosphate involves less energy in the process Improved energy efficiency in 5 sugar factories PARTNERS: COSUMAR & SUTA Descriptive : - Drying with superheated steam - Low temperature drying technology