Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 The legal deposit for digital publications - new challenges for the German National Library Brussels, 2007 November 19 Reinhard Altenhöner, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Outline Introduction: The changing environment – new infrastructure for science, new types of media and communication Challenges for the DNB/GNL Focus: Digital preservation Workflow development Conclusion
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 New forms / formation of scientific work Information retrieval Editing and analysis Information dissemination and storage Scientific work in the lab and at the desktop Apart and collaborative Interdisciplinary New possibilities: internet, digitization, electronic communication, open access, grid New forms of scientific work Increase of efficiency Characteristics of scientific workstrategytarget
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Neue Publikationsformen media challenges & conversions digitisation born digital multimedia
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The National Library of Germany
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Publications issued in Germany since 1913 German-language publications issued abroad since 1913 Digital "hand-hold" publications (CD-ROM, DVD, floppy) are covered by law and deposited within DNB Since June 22, 2006 Online- / Net-publications are covered by the new law. Our task: Collecting and archiving
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 DNB: functions und services German National Bibliography Other bibliographic tasks, data, data services Central national unit for standardisation on authority files and bibliographic standards Representation of the german library community on national and international level entries ca DNB p.a. stuff740 budget38 Mio € orders ca p.a.
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Electronic archives at DNB ~ 640 TByte on physical media E/net-Publications: Online-Dissertations 454 e-journals and monographs from Springer (Heidelberg, Berlin) ( 90 newsletters (currently) Results from digitisation projects in other libraries Electronic publications from approx. 600 commercial and non-commercial publishers Web-Sites workflows, modules, procedures
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Net-publications - issues concerns selection access copyright authenticity ressources advantages availability accessibility Needed time for publication scalability retrieval
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Starting point for the DNB Increasing number of born-digital publications The WEB – part of the (national) cultural heritage Preservation and access to these materials are tasks of national libraries and other cultural heritage organizations Quantity of forms & formats becomes higher – especially from the historic perspective German online publications are being delivered in numerous file formats Innovative file formats have been encouraged over the years 3-D images & simulations Embedded audio and video, Executables First file types are no longer accessible
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Selection starts with acquisition: Not all digital materials can be collected. Not all digital collections can be preserved. We might never be able to get more than fragmentary and incomplete results. There are different selection traditions in archives, museums and libraries. Obvious criteria for selection are – significance today and / or – anticipated lasting value (economic, cultural, social, scholarly, evidential …) Selection Challenges 1
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Ensuring permanent access long term storage solutions Persistant identifiers Ensuring as much of the original „look and feel“ as possible Preserving the context Digital rights management Access Challenges 2
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Maintaining authenticity throughout the digital life cycle means working closely together with different groups: Creators or producers Hosts and their users Long term preservation institutions Authenticity Challenges 3
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 One policy for all types of media! Use of synergies when – defining aims and missions, – compiling one set of methods for analysing problems, – assessing and managing of risks, – finding solutions. One policy Challenges 4
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Challenge LTP Bit-stream Hard- and Software to read Hard- and Software to interpret Hard- and Software to display Reading a document
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Challenge II Rapid technology changes hinder the access to older file formats – Problem 1: Conservation of binary data (0 and 1) – No existing data carrier lasts forever – Solution: Regular bitstream-preservation – Problem 2: Access to the content – Numerous formats; always new ones; old ones vanish – Dependencies from present soft- and hardware – Solutions: Migration (regular conversion), Emulation (re-enacting used systems)
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Transfer of data from an old platform eg. C64 / AMIGA original system 1988 target system 2002 img Emulation OS migration
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 nestor Network of Expertise in Long-Term Storage of Digital Resources for Germany kopal Co-operative development of a long-term digital information archive Initiatives
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Goals of nestor create a network for information and communication about present and future LTP activities in Germany establish a cross-sectoral community to promote and support LTP activities and to raise awareness in society trigger synergies between on-going activities in Germany and cooperate with international partners and projects establish a permanent organisation which coordinates and represents the concerns of long- term storage
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 nestor2 continuation of nestor1 (2006 – 2009) training, e-tutorials standardisation building communities expertises for LTP and GRID-Infrastructure european cooperation
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Initiative II: „kopal“ Co-operative development of a long-term digital information archive funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research Financial volume: 4,2 Mio € + self-financed activities of all partners, duration: – Task: Development of a standardized long-term preservation solution to facilitate long-term preservation for other libraries / industries Solution as a facilitator for co-operation between libraries
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 kopal: Concept Basis: DIAS (Digital Information and Archiving System) of the Royal Dutch Library – Developed by IBM reliable (hopefully) – Implementation of the OAIS standard – Further development of a suitable long-term preservation component (emulation, migration) Enhancement for cooperative usage Development of a universal object scheme Hosting outside the library (remote access) Extension of DIAS-Core with peripheral open-source based software tools to broaden its usability Development of mass routines for digital objects Platform for preservation planning activities
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 GWDG (Göttingen) DIAS by IBM Account 1 Account 2 SUB Göttingen Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Frankfurt) Local software Local software Local software Local software kopal: Structure & concept Partners nn
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Administration Interface koLibRI Online-Archivist
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Kopal preservation strategy Migrate object with urn xxx into new format yyy Migrate all objects – of format xxx and/or – that have been ingested before a certain date and/or – that are larger than zzz MB into new format xyz (e.g. from TIFF to PNG) Implementation of emulation view paths No restriction as of file size or file format / type – all known and unknown file formats are being accepted (text, pictures, video, audio, executables,... etc.)
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Reusability: Concepts Core (DIAS): A software “product” based on reliable standard software like DB2, Content Manager, Tivoli Storage Manager and WebSphere Locale software: Flexible Java modules to generate and extract metadata, to create the universal object format and to integrate ingest and access in existing software environments → Open source Tool for generating technical metadata: JHOVE by Harvard University (open source)
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Workflow-organisation
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Metadata core-set (bibliograhic, legal, and technical information) Web form or well-defined protocols and formats Automated communication deliverer - library Harvesting mechanism Automated indexing / information enrichement Actions
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 System components: import Import-Interfaces (Webform, OAI-Harvester, RSS-Reader,...) Import-Interfaces (Webform, OAI-Harvester, RSS-Reader,...) URN- Service URN- Service Repository (LTP-Archive, Workspaces) Repository (LTP-Archive, Workspaces) CBS IDM (Users, Publishers, Deliverers) IDM (Users, Publishers, Deliverers) ImportService (Validation, Conversion, Data Generation, Storing) ImportService (Validation, Conversion, Data Generation, Storing) Workflow Management (Issue Tracking, Help Desk) Workflow Management (Issue Tracking, Help Desk)
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Massive changes in the information infrastructure – challenges for national libraries issues: availability, access, authenticity, assignment of data and information and – digital preservation Need for research, for tools, for development, for new infrastructures, for automated mass- procedures, but: efforts are high So (international) cooperation and collaboration is the key Conclusion
Brussels, Belgium, ABD/BVD 60, Conference 2007 november 19 Reinhard Altenhöner