Maths at Home Maths is all around !
Counting Counting as you go up or down the stairs. How many steps all together? If you are on the 3 rd step, how many more steps until you get to the top? How many people are eating dinner today? How many knives, forks and spoons will we need? If everyone has 3 pieces of cutlery, how many will we need for 2 people or 5 people? How many chairs are around the table? How many people are there? How many more chairs will we need? What is the difference between how many we have and how many we need? If 1 chair has 4 legs, how many will 3 chairs have?
Pairs How many toes are hiding in a pair of socks? How many in 3 pairs? How many socks came out of the washing machine? How many pairs can you make? If there are 3 people in our family and we each have a pair of socks, how many socks altogether? If there are 10 fingers on a pair of hands, how many on 2 pairs? How many pairs of eyes are watching T.V? How many eyes altogether?
Cricket, but not as you know it! Different versions of this, and you can really make up your own rules! On a car journey one side of the car is against the other. Pub cricket- If a pub is on the left of the car they score and if on right the right side score. The number of legs count as the runs. Cow Cricket We also play Cow Cricket, with one side of the car versus the other. A cow passed on the left side of the car gives this side a run, a field of cows is a boundary worth four, while a field of horses is a six. Scores are accumulated by each side until the car passes a church. A church is a catch and wipes out all that side’s points!
Cars Add the numbers on a number plate. Multiply the numbers on a number plate. Spotting cars – silver 2points, red 5points and yellow 10 points. ( Green take away 3 points) Buses Add the numbers on the front of the bus. Multiply the numbers on the bus. Look at the number on the bus. What is the nearest 10 or 100 ? Trains- What time is our train? How long will it take to get to…? How many seats? How many people in this carriage…. If some get off. How many now?
Measuring Cooking - Lots of fun with weighing and measuring. If the recipe makes 8 cakes how much sugar etc would we need to make 16? Time – Anything that gets children looking and starting to recognise time. Bed time is in 15 minutes. What time will that be? We need to be at swimming for 4pm. It takes us ½ an hour to walk. What time do we need to leave. Look at the weights on tins. Put them in order. Which is heaviest? How much heavier?