Chapter 18: The Circulatory System Pages 492 – 513 Date Pages 492 – 513 Date
Cardiovascular System (pg ) 1.Your cardio system transport materials through your bloodstream 2.Cardio system includes heart, blood, & miles of blood vessels 3.Materials enter cells using _______. 4.Heart has 4 chambers: 2 atria (upper) & 2 ventricles (lower) 1.Atria pump 2 ventricles & ventricles pump to the body
Circulation (pg. 494 – 495)
Vessels & Pressure (pg. 496 – 499) 1.Arteries = move blood away from heart 2.Veins = move blood 2 the heart 3.Capillaries = microscopic vessels that connect arteries & veins; only 1 cell thick 4.Blood pressure = the force that blood exerts on vessels walls as it moves through 1.Highest in arteries, then cap, then veins 2.Two numbers: 110/80 1 st # is force from ventricles; 2 nd # is force of ventricles filling up
Cardiovascular Disease (pg. 500) 1.Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. 2.Atherosclerosis = condition, fatty deposits on artery walls 1.Fat builds up & blocks blood flow 3.Hypertension = high blood pressure 1.Atherosclerosis can cause hypertension
Blood (pg. 502) 1.Blood = a tissue made of cells, cell fragments, & liquid 2.Functions: 1) carries O 2 & removes CO 2 ; 2) carries wastes 2 kidneys 2 B removed; 3) transports nutrients; 4) contains materials 2 fight infections 3.Ur blood can fill five 1 liter bottles!
Parts of Blood (pg. 502 – 505) 1.Plasma = liquid part of blood & consists mostly of water; it makes up more than half of blood 1.Nutrients, minerals, & O 2 are dissolved in plasma 2.Hemoglobin = a chemical that carries O 2 & CO 2 3.Red blood cells last about 120 days 4.White blood cells = fight infections, bacteria, viruses that invade your body 5.Platelets = cell fragments that help clot blood 1.Work to stop bleeding & form scabs 6.For every millimeter of blood there are 5 million red blood cells, 400,000 platelets, & 7,000 white blood cells
Blood Types (pg. 505 – 507) 1.If someone gets the wrong blood type, their blood will clot, block vessels, & die 2.Four blood types: A, B, AB, O ABO ID systems 1.Each type has a marker 2 ID it = antigen 2.Antibodies = proteins that destroy pathogens 1.U have the opp. blood antibodies as your blood type 3.Rh factor = another marker for blood 1.Having the factor = Rh positive 2.Not having the factor = Rh negative
Lymphatic System (pg. 511) 1.Fluid sometimes moves out of blood 2.Lymphatic system = collects fluid from body tissue spaces & returns it to blood through lymph vessels 1.Also contains cells 2 help defend against pathogens 3.Lymph = mostly water, dissolved nutrients, & lymphocytes = type of white blood cell 4.There is no organ pumping lymph, when your muscles contract, lymph is pushed around
Nodes & Organs (pg. 512 – 513) 1.Before lymph enters blood, it passes through lymph nodes = which filter out microorganisms & foreign materials engulfed by lymphocytes 2.When U R sick, lymphocytes gather pathogens & drop them in nodes, which makes them swell 3.Lymph organs: 1.Tonsils – help protect nose & mouth 2.Thymus – produces lymphocytes 3.Spleen – helps filter blood, damaged/old blood cells R broken down, destroy bacteria
Diseases (pg. 513) 1.Human immunodeficiency virus = attacks helper T cells (type of lymphocyte) 2.Helper T cells help produce antibodies 2 fight infections 3.If too many T cells are attacked, the disease progresses to acquired immune deficiency syndrome
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