Fgasparini LHCC Review May 041 SUMMARY: Latest results on the Minicrate performance Status of chamber production Torino line The High Voltage Boards problem/status.


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Presentation transcript:

fgasparini LHCC Review May 041 SUMMARY: Latest results on the Minicrate performance Status of chamber production Torino line The High Voltage Boards problem/status The new installation sequence Status of Minicrates components Minicrates production/schedule RED = critical ORANGE = not yet stable The status of the Barrel DT fgasparini 11/5/2004

fgasparini LHCC Review May 042

3 Efficiency of correct BX assignment Time resolution of different quality trigger HH contribute the 65% HL contrbute 22% LL contribute 2% Uncorrelated (only one PHI SL) ~ 10% TEST BEAM MAY 04

fgasparini LHCC Review May 044 Double track trigger efficiency (default mode) TEST BEAM MAY 04

fgasparini LHCC Review May 045 Two tracks trigger efficiency default backup default backup Backup is set if TSMS is dead There are two TSMDs :one per half chamber TEST BEAM MAY 04

fgasparini LHCC Review May 046 TS Ghost suppression 1 st track 2 nd track Events with fake tracks : % !! Disabled Enabled 6 % Fake tracks: low quality Outer SL Inner SL  Single segments in outer SL Data oTrigger emulation on TDC data TEST BEAM MAY 04

fgasparini LHCC Review May 047 MINICRATE Autotrigger The MC can generate a Level 1 Accept Trigger in standalone mode The feature was tested in Legnaro with cosmic rays. The MC clock is free running at 40 MHz The cosmic tracks are randomly distributed The TDCs are stopped by the MC L1A with an error of +- 1 clock wrt the time of passage of the track : 25 nsec/sqrtf 12 = ~ 8 nsec = 400 micron that will dominate the final chamber resolution Asking the MC to select HH triggers only,allows a large rate of events (~ 100 Hz) The reconstruction efficiency of the parent track is better than 99% MB1 MCrate MB3 chamber Distribution of HH trigger in a MB3 chamber with MB1 Minicrare 1 Dead tube COSMIC RAYS

fgasparini LHCC Review May 048 angle distribution of the tracks reconstructed in the event layer  m Residual 7 point fit ~ 400  m resolution Layer PHI THETA 1 TDC count =.78 nsec nsec The Minicrate “measure” the max. drift time in steps of 25 nsc. The Max.drift time,computed form the TDC data, is “flat” within nsec as expected COSMIC RAYS

fgasparini LHCC Review May 049 Chamber assembly in LNL,Aachen and CIEMAT stable at > 20 ch/year SL for 146 chambers assembled 119 chambers at ISR 104 ch. Measured at Alignment Bench at ISR Installation and handling tools for ISR and SX5 completed (last :the large cradle for MB4 ready in June/July) First MB4 chamber under assembly in Torino (1 month delay wrt Oct.) I -BEAMS final shipment from Protvino 28 June 04 than the largest assembly plotter will be moved to ISR PLATES 96% of plates cut in Torino end production in Dubna march 05 keep the line in Dubna until installation is completed HVB failure: preseries for 400 new HVBoards PCBs ordered : delivery in May Ready to start first assembly of Minicrates in Legnaro at end of May. (3 months delay wrt October)

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0410 ISR Tunnel April Chambers in ~ 22 Stacks + 5 MB3 due May 4th  In total the old boards have been substituted in: 6 MB1, 3 MB1/ MB2, 2 MB2/10 6 MB3 = 20 chambers

fgasparini LHCC Review May /680 = ~ 64% of the full lot 435/600 =~ 73% of the lot due by the 3 sites

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0412

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0413

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0414

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0415 Integral of produced chambers /quarter. DT Chamber Production (18DT/site/year) Q4- 01 Q1- 02 Q2- 02 Q3- 02 Q4- 02 Q1- 03 Q2- 03 Q3- 03 Q4- 03 Q1- 04 Q2- 04 Q3- 04 Q4- 04 Q1- 05 Q2- 05 Q3- 05 All DTs Planned Achieved Achieved - Planned 120 The green slope is 70 ch/year for 4 sites The 3 operational sites are running at 23.3 ch/site/year 140

fgasparini LHCC Review May chambers (80 Superlayers, of the largest MB4) have to be produced in Torino. A first dummy Superlayer was assembled successfully (March/April) Assembly of the First MB4 for YB+2 top started May 3rd. End inst.window (V 34.0) chambers needed ?achievable in Torino? Max min 5 ch in 04 than 2/month 1 July 05 (mag.test) 18 ( YB+2/+1/0 ) 10 ( YB0 may 05 ) 15 1 Mar. 06 (end SX inst.) 30 ( YB-2/-1 ) 20 ( no sectors1,7,10,12) 29 (dec.05 ) Sept.06 (end UX Inst) 40 ( sect. 1&7 ) 40 (may 06) 39 Actual rate in the 3 sites is 1.9 ch/month (23.3/year) INFN Milestone is 4 SL (2 ch) by July The Torino target

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0417 Status of Torino MB4 Production Line First dummy Sl : wire position measurement Wire seen by CCD camera Wire image sw-reconstruced

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0418 Chamber calibration status Total quantity to be calibrated:269 (250 in CMS, 19 spare) Assembled and calibrated: MB1 32 MB2 32 MB3 28 MB4 (all types) 12 Total calibrated:104 Calibration speed: (max) 4 chambers/day Next period:June-August’04 Bench stability:Regularly measured with LTD *: No movement detected * LTD = Laser Tracker Distancemeter (<40 µm precision)

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0419 HV BOARDS HVB STORY

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0420 Shown are the outer layers,the break down occurs across the brown channels. In the center of them is the line carrying the HV for the wires (3.8 KV).The inner layers carry the HV for cathode and strips.

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0421 The three layers of the 1 st and 2 nd board generation with insulating channels 1.5 mm wide. The other three are the symmetric image. Below the outer layer of the 3 rd generation with channels enlarged to 2.8mm. The inner layers are identical to the Old design Volts ground Volt Volt

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0422 Total lot of HVB Type of board total PCB rej. Accepted boards Infant failure Installed in IHEP in IHEP in chambers in chambers 1 st generation % % 3700 The 7000 Include a bad batch 21% ~7% 0 Improve quality Control on PCB production, change the parameters of prepreg no flow deposition 2 nd generation As above but Increase channel width HV-Ground in outer layers 3 rd generation ~ nd and 3 rd Gen. = SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT ON INFANT MORTALITY ( no failures) 3 rd generation was supposed of at least 5000 boards, production stopped after long term failures of 8 out of 1080 boards of the 1 st generation (3000 hours under HV and 5 months in gas) (end Jan 04)

fgasparini LHCC Review May st Gen. HVB FAILURES in chambers (3700 boards): 1.7 % faults in the first 500 hours 0.25% between 500 and 1000 hours 0.08% between 1000 and % between 1500 and % between 2000 and 3000 hours In Jan 04 8 out of 1080 boards in chambers ready for installation failed at the switch on of the HV after 3 month under HV and 3~6 months in gas 0.7% 2 nd and 3 rd Gen. Boards failure in chambers 0 / ~ 3000 boards PCBs are produced by a firm, the assembly of the components is done in IHEP. The final test lasts 12 hours in gas at 4000 V No failure can be attributed to mistakes during the assembly

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0424 IN summary: Failures occurred in the 1 st generation boards only in the outer layer (3800 volts) along the long straight lines AND along the bent ones. No failure in the inner layers (1800 and –1200) Field values in inner and outer layers are often comparable. Failures are at the interface between outer prepreg and FR4 PCB In Feb old boards of the bad batch were put in a vessel at 3 bar in Ar/CO2 for one month after a HV normal test of 24 hours : 4 failed at the switch on after the treatment.

fgasparini LHCC Review May st generation good board failures Section of 1st gen board of the bad batch 1st gen. Good board that failed

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0426 We found indication that : the week point is the bad adhesion of the no flow prepreg to the FR4, The fabrication procedure could leave microbubbles trapped at the interface. Absorption of gas can worsen this weakness. Improved boards are visibly and experimentally better However we can’t safely predict the long term behavior. Events are too rare and can depend on unknown parameters (operation mode,handling etc….) ACTION: MAKE NEW BOARDS: avoid use of prepreg no flow, and minimizes the direct contact of HV insulating parts with the gas. This can be done by adding two extralayers. (from 6 to 8 layers).

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0427 insulation “Prepreg flow’ “Prepreg no flow” CROSS SECTION OF OLD and NEW HVB WIRES 1 STRIPS 1 CATHODES 1 STRIPS 2 WIRES 2 In this layer are the distribution lines of HV to the wires and the pads to sold components: Resistors,capacities and connection wires CATHODES 2 “Prepreg no flow” In this layer wires connections only Soldering pads in the new outer layer Flow prepreg 1,2,3rd generation boards NEW BOARDS

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0428 old new added layer No ground plane in the Wire layers (3) Channels in the inner layers were enlarged (1,2)

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0429 The total lot of boards is about In agreement with CMS,to avoid dramatic delay in the installation, we are installing the 1600 Boards available from the 3 rd generation in the chambers to be installed in YB+2,the most accessible one. Change the sequence of installation in the yokes Use the NEW Boards in the YB+1 etc in Nov…Dec. In the mean time the sites will equip their chambers with old boards of any type that will be gradually substituted with the NEW before installation of chambers in the yokes NEW Boards are needed for wheels +1,0,-1,-2 The collaboration agreed to produce new boards 9250 for the installed chambers 1750 as spares (for spare chambers and in case of problems in YB+2) Total ~ 11000

fgasparini LHCC Review May YB+2 YB+1 YB0 v 33.2 JAN 05 By the time of the magnet test v 34.0 July 05 OLD NEW CHANGE OF THE INSTALLATION SEQUENCE 3rd gen.boardsNew Boards

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0431 New PCB design,approved by DT and CMS, and review by a primary firm in the HV field. Feb.-March Discussion with several companies,offers and choice of 2 companies April A preseries of 200 PCBs was ordered to each firm: April delivery 2 nd half of May. Test preseries (3 weeks max.) end June assemble ~ 200 HVB for 4 ~ 5 YB+1 chambers July Share production between the two companies Delivery 1 st batch of 2000 PCBs expected end July. IHEP is setting up a fast assembly line capable of 1200 boards/month (full lot in 9 months, completed by April 05) Components are under procurement First batch of NEW HVB for YB+1 expected by end Sept. APPROVAL OF Fund. Ag. IS PENDING

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0432 TSS ASICs TSM: 3 pASICs TRACO ASICs TRB SB/CB TRB trigger-, monitoring-, synch- data path Control path to Sector Collector to Slow Control JTAG, Parallel Interface Drift Tubes Local Trigger Electronics Boards Production Status

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0433 Multichip Ceramic Module : 4 BTI per module. Almost half production done (~5500/12500). A lot of 2500 modules re- tested successfully by Metallux: only 5 (=0.2%) modules rejected. BTIM The 40 prototypes, foreseen at the beginning of April, are delayed to end of May. Late delivery of components CCB CCB link Control Boards.

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0434 Boards already available: –29 TRB-φ –9 TRB-θ TRB Trigger Boards. –50 TRB-φ –20 TRB-θ –10 TRB-φ-32 Enough for ~15 minicrates. The need of a 2 nd preseries delayed the delivery of the first batch……………assume delivery of 200 TRB by september From first preseries of 55 (Jan 04) Bad yield of fabrication From Second preseries (subm. Feb 04) under test at the firm delivery in two weeks

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0435 TSS1300 tested chips (yield 94%) done sep 2003 TSMS TSMD 850 tested chips (yield 97%) done jan 2004 SB290 boards (yield  95%) 40 available sep03 burn in 50 in may in nov.04 SectColl63 boardsproto sep04 prod spring05 OptoRX63 boardsproto sep04

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0436 Server Board TRB1TRB2TRB3 TRB4 TRB5 TRB6 TRTH1TRTH2Sector Collector

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0437 PLAN for MINICRATE ASSEMBLY: Read-out part assembled and tested in CIEMAT (planned 12/month) Assembly of the Trigger part and full test in two sites: first in Legnaro and a second by september in Bologna (NEW). (16/month ?) A stand to test the MC after installation in chambers should operational at ISR in July. First batch of 10 Readout MC from CIEMAT expected today in Legnaro ( 5 MB1 L, 3 MB2 L, 2 MB3 L) First assemblies of the Trigger part in Legnaro end of May (CCB availability) Expected delivery of first 5 MB1 MC for YB+2 top within July.

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0438 Install. Sequence YB+2 bottom June/July no MC Yb+2 Top July to Nov. 17 MC YB+1 Bottom Dec 19 MC YB+1 Top Jan 12 etc…… MC prod readout + trigger needs for July 32 >= 5 5 MB1 YB+2 top September 44 >=17 17 complete YB+2 top October 56 >= 33 Nov YB+1 bottom Dec YB+1 top Jan May > YB+2,+1 and 0 Assume 200 TRB available by mid September Prod speed of readout MC: 12/month Prod speed of complete MC: sept. 12/month than 16/month 8 in Dec

fgasparini LHCC Review May st generation HVB replaced by 3 rd gen. in all chambers apart for 20channel HVBs in the MB2 Theta SL BOTTOM

fgasparini LHCC Review May 0440  The chambers in red are built with HVB_3 rd but they are naked and must undergo the alignment calibration TOP