2012 Season Eric Lewis, President EAIFO Western New England Chapter * Accompany this slide show with Van Halen’s “Right Now”. Start music and click to start show.
Right Now… …Is the time to prepare… Your Mind Your Body Your Spirit
Hydrate your body starting Wednesday or Thursday for your Saturday games Eat Right Get into the Rulebook Workout Everyday Control what you can control
Become a student of the game Be a guardian of the rules and traditions
Project confidence Know your mechanics so you are in position to make the call.
Trust your Brothers….. Be there for each other Hold each other accountable to the Crew!
Officiate this week’s game like it is the Super Bowl. Because for these players, coaches and fans…. it is ….
Don’t over officiate the game, manage it. Have the courage to make the call that needs to be made.
Make a commitment to get better every day, every game.
Have fun
Enjoy the ride You never know when your life may change We are glad you are here, Dr. Tom!!
Remember what’s important No one ever said they wished they were away from home more….
The season is right around the corner… The time is now………. right now !
What are you waiting for? Right now P roper P reparation P revents P oor P erformance