RFID P ET F EEDER Sally Smith Eastern Kentucky University Department of Technology NET program
OUTLINE This presentation will explain the motivation behind the project, problem being addressed, assumptions being made, proposed solution and future work. Pictures and a video of the working project will be shown. With the results and conclusions. 2
MOTIVATION Electronics classes at EKU provided for much of the motivation behind this project. I wanted to feed my cat throughout the day and keep other animals out of his food. Keeping your pet healthy and fed is a goal of many pet owners. 3
INTRODUCTION This project covers the areas of Electricity and Electronics and Computer Systems. I needed to find a solution to the problem by creating an enclosure that was controlled by an RFID reader. The project is controlled by a Parallax BASIC Stamp 2 Microcontroller and RFID Read Module. 4
PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem being addressed is being able to feed your pet throughout the day and not allowing other animals to have access to the food. Many people have busy schedules and are unable to feed their pet throughout the day. 5
A SSUMPTIONS This is a basic project that assumes that an unwanted animal will not be able to break open the feeder or tear down the enclosure. This project also assumes that the pet is able to operate the enclosure properly with a valid RFID tag on its collar. 6
PROPOSED SOLUTION In order to achieve a solution to the problem, I had to research possible designs of an enclosure and food container. Through much research I found this cat feeder that was similar to what I wanted. 7
PROPOSED SOLUTION I used the same cereal dispenser/container as this resource did and implemented the motor in the same way. I also added an enclosure around the food dispenser to achieve my goal of giving only valid pets access to the food. I attached a small motor to the dispenser and a small motor to the enclosure to operate the door opening and closing. 8
N EEDED P ARTS Basic Stamp2 Microcontroller Parallax RFID reader RFID key fob tag Food dispenser Plastic container 3V battery 3V motor 12V battery 12V motor Serial Cable & Computer LEDs (for testing) Bread boards Assorted wires & clips Resistors (10K, 4.8k, 20k) Transistors (TIP122) 9
CONCLUSIONS Overall my project was successful despite a few issues along the way. I was able to successfully build a RFID Pet Feeder. Issues to address: Web Based automation with WIZ200Web 12V motor not strong enough to dispense Cut blades Small amount of cat food 15
FUTURE WORK This project can be used in a variety of environments such as but not limited to; household pet use, outdoor animal use, animal shelter use, farm use, zoo use or anything related to feeding animals. Adding on a possible web based automation would further enhance the project capabilities. 16
Q UESTIONS ? T HANK Y OU ! Contact Information: eku.edu 17
REFERENCES Ben Kransnow. (2009, August 2). Improved Automatic Cat Feeder. Message Posted to automatic-cat-feeder.html 18 Photos: Battery: Basic Stamp: 5/CategoryID/10/List/0/SortField/0/Level/a/ProductID/21/Default.aspx RFID reader: roductID/441/Default.aspx?txtSearch=rfid+reader Zervo Food Dispenser: dispenser.jpg
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge my father for helping me multiple times throughout the construction of this project. I would also like to thank Prof. Vigs for allowing me to use some of the university’s equipment. 19