Christmas Joy! to You and Yours!
Great Is The Lord
Great Is The Lord Great is the Lord, He is holy and just By His power we trust in His love Great is the Lord He is faithful and true By His mercy He proves He is love
Great Is The Lord Great is the Lord and worthy of glory Great is the Lord and worthy of praise Great is the Lord, now lift up your voice, now lift up your voice Great is the Lord!
Great Is The Lord Great is the Lord, He is holy and just By His power we trust in His love Great is the Lord He is faithful and true By His mercy He proves He is love
Great Is The Lord Great are You Lord And worthy of glory Great are You Lord And worthy of praise
Great Is The Lord Great are You Lord I lift up my voice, I lift up my voice Great are You Lord Great are You Lord!
Be Unto Your Name We are a moment, You are forever Lord of the ages, God before time We are a vapor, You are eternal Love everlasting, reigning on high
Chorus – Be Unto Your Name Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb who was slain Highest praises honor and glory Be unto Your name, be unto your name
Be Unto Your Name We are the broken, You are the healer Jesus, redeemer, mighty to save You are the love song we’ll sing forever Bowing before You, blessing Your name
Chorus – Be Unto Your Name Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb who was slain Highest praises honor and glory Be unto Your name, be unto your name (repeat)
God Of Wonders Lord of all creation Of water, earth and sky The heavens are your tabernacle Glory to the Lord on high
Chorus – God Of Wonders God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are holy, holy The universe declares Your Majesty You are holy, holy
Chorus – God of Wonders Lord of heaven and earth (echo) Lord of heaven and earth Lord of heaven and earth (echo) Lord of heaven and earth
God Of Wonders Early in the morning I will celebrate the light When I stumble in the darkness I will call your name by night
Chorus – God Of Wonders God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are holy, holy The universe declares Your Majesty You are holy, holy
Chorus – God of Wonders Lord of heaven and earth (echo) Lord of heaven and earth Lord of heaven and earth (echo) Lord of heaven and earth
God Of Wonders Hallelujah! To the Lord of heaven and earth Hallelujah! To the Lord of heaven and earth Hallelujah! To the Lord of heaven and earth
Chorus – God Of Wonders God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are holy, holy The universe declares Your Majesty You are holy, holy (repeat)
Chorus – God of Wonders Lord of heaven and earth (echo) Lord of heaven and earth Lord of heaven and earth (echo) Lord of heaven and earth
Chorus – God of Wonders Lord of heaven and earth (echo) Lord of heaven and earth Lord of heaven and earth
More of You Lord Come to me Lord- (ladies echo part) Here is my heart Can’t live on my own Can’t live without You
More of You Lord I want more, more of You Lord More, more of You Lord I wanna hold you, love you, not let you go Renew this fire that’s within my soul I want more, more of you Lord More, more of You Lord
More of You Lord Come to me Lord- (ladies echo part) Here is my heart Can’t live on my own Can’t live without You
More of You Lord I want more, more of You Lord More, more of You Lord I wanna hold you, love you, not let you go Renew this fire that’s within my soul I want more, more of you Lord More, more of You Lord
More of You Lord Chorus: I want more, more of You Lord (2 Xs) I wanna hold you, love you, not let you go Renew this fire that’s within my soul (3 Xs) I want more, more of You Lord (3 Xs)
Amazing Love (You Are My King) I’m forgiven, Because You were forsaken I’m accepted, You were condemned I’m alive and well, Your Spirit is within me Because you died and rose again
Amazing Love (Chorus) Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true And it’s my joy to honor You In all I do, I honor You
Amazing Love (You Are My King) I’m forgiven, Because You were forsaken I’m accepted, You were condemned I’m alive and well, Your Spirit is within me Because you died and rose again
Amazing Love (Chorus) Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true And it’s my joy to honor You
Amazing Love (You Are My King) Bridge:You are my King, You are my King, Jesus You are my King
Amazing Love (Chorus) Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true And it’s my joy to honor You In all I do, I honor You
Amazing Love (Chorus) Amazing love, how can it be That You my King would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true And it’s my joy to honor You In all I do, I honor You (2 Xs)
Isn’t He? Isn’t He beautiful Beautiful, isn’t He Prince of Peace, Son of God Isn’t He?
Isn’t He wonderful Wonderful, isn’t He Counselor, Almighty God Isn’t He, isn’t He, isn’t He?
Isn’t He? Isn’t He beautiful Beautiful, isn’t He Prince of Peace, Son of God Isn’t He?
Isn’t He wonderful Wonderful, isn’t He Counselor, Almighty God Isn’t He, isn’t He, isn’t He? Isn’t He?