MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Questionnaire for Children Under Five: Birth Registration
MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Background Article 7 of the CRC gives every child the right to be registered at birth by the state within whose jurisdiction the child is born.CRC Registration of births is fundamental to the realization of a number of other rights Aim of the module is to provide an estimate of the extent of birth registration in your country
MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Definition Birth registration is the official recording of the birth of a child by some administrative entities of the state. The registration of a childs birth enables that child to obtain a birth certificate. A birth certificate is a personal document issued to an individual by the state
Around 51 million children born in 2007 have not been registered MICS4 Survey Design Workshop
MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicator # 8.1: Birth Registration Numerator: Number of children under age 5 whose births are reported registered Denominator: Total number of children under age 5
MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Preparatory phase Concepts that might change from one culture to another: –Birth Certificate –Registration –Civil Authority Essential to identify the right authority at the state level in charge of the official recording of births
MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Other issues Confidentiality Legal responsibilities Look for disparities - unregistered children are almost always from poor, marginalized or displaced families Additional analysis needed if there is a significant difference in findings compared to vital registration data