MANQUER!!! (to miss, to be lacking, to fail to verbe) Attention aux expressions de quantité + de/d’


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Presentation transcript:

MANQUER!!! (to miss, to be lacking, to fail to verbe) Attention aux expressions de quantité + de/d’

I. Manquer + object direct To miss something (as in failed to attend; arrive) Exemples: I missed the bus this morning I’m going to miss class tomorrow

I. Manquer + object direct To miss something Exemples: I missed the bus this morning J’ai manqué l’autobus ce matin I’m going to miss class tomorrow Je vais manquer la classe demain

II. Manquer de/d’ + object direct To lack something/to have something missing Many teachers lack intelligence This cake lacks sugar This class is missing about 10 students today.

II. Manquer de/d’ + object direct To lack something/to have something missing Many teachers lack intelligence Beaucoup de profs manquent d’intelligence This cake lacks sugar Ce gateau manque de sucre This class is missing about 10 students today. Cette classe manque d’une dixaine d’élèves aujourd’hui

Manquer de/d’ + verbe To fail to do something I failed to do my homework last night I used to fail to send a card to my Granny for her birthday, but now I send e-cards. If you fail to study, you will fail your test.

Manquer de + verbe To fail to do something I failed to do my homework last night J’ai manqué de faire mes devoirs hier soir Often, I failed to send a card to my Granny, but now I send her e-cards. Je manquais d’envoyer une carte à Mémé, mais maintenant je lui envoie des e-cards. If you fail to study, you will fail your test. Si tu manques d’étudier, tu rateras (échoueras) ton examen

IV. Manquer à + objet/personne to miss a person or thing (as in long for) This is the opposite of how we state it in English The subject in the sentence will be the person who is missed, The indirect object is the person who is doing the missing. Use the following pronouns: Me – (by me)nous – (by us) Te – (by you)vous – (by you/y’all) Lui – (by him/by her) leur – (by them)

Manquer à + objet/personne (continued) to miss a person or thing (as in long for) Exemples: I miss you a lot (You are missed by me) He will miss me when I travel to France (I will be missed by him…)

Manquer à + objet/personne (continued) to miss a person or thing (as in long for) Exemples: I miss you a lot(You are missed by me) Tu me manques beaucoup He will miss me when I travel to France(I will missed by him…) Je lui manquerai quand je voyagerai en France

Exemples: a. categorie I, II, III, IV? b. traduisez 1. We miss you (y’all). (remember: you are missed by us) 2. I’m missing about 50 euros!! 3. They failed to say good-bye! 4. She doesn’t lack in “know-how” 5.He misses his Mommy a lot. 6.She missed the train too many times. 7.Even though we’ll miss class, our teachers gave us stacks of homework for spring break. 8.I failed to finish my quiz; too bad!

Exemples: a. categorie I, II, III, IV? b. traduisez 1. We miss you (y’all). (remember: you are missed by us) catégorie IV 2. I’m missing about 50 euros!! Catégorie II 3. They failed to say good-bye! Catégorie III 4. She doesn’t lack in “know-how” catégorie II 5.He misses his Mommy a lot. Catégorie IV 6.She missed the train too many times. Catégorie I 7.Even though we’ll miss class, our teachers gave us stacks of homework for spring break. Catégorie I 8.I failed to finish my quiz; too bad! Catégorie III

exemples 1.We miss you (y’all) (remember – you are missed by us)

exemples 1.We miss you (y’all) (remember – you are missed by us) Vous nous manquez

exemples 2.I’m missing about 50 euros!!

exemples 2.I’m missing about 50 euros!! Je manque d’une cinquantaine de euros

exemples 3. They failed to say good-bye!

exemples 3. They failed to say good-bye! Ils ont manqué de dire “au revoir” Ils ont manqué de faire leurs adieux my?, your?, his/her?, our?, y’all’s?, their?

exemples 4. She doesn’t lack in “know-how”

exemples 4. She doesn’t lack in “know-how” Elle ne manque pas de savoir-faire She lacks neither “know-how” nor beauty.

exemples 4. She doesn’t lack in “know-how” Elle ne manque pas de savoir-faire She lacks neither “know-how” nor beauty. Elle ne manque ni de savoir-faire ni de beauté

exemples 5. He misses his Mommy a lot. (remember: his mommy is missed by him…)

exemples 5. He misses his Mommy. Sa Maman lui manque beaucoup. (His mom is missed by him a lot)

6. She missed the train too many times.

6. She missed the train too many times Elle a manqué le train trop de fois. (Elle a raté le train trop de fois)

7. Even though we’ll miss class, our teachers gave us stacks of homework for spring break.

Quoique nous manquions la classe, nos professeurs nous on donné un tas de devoirs pour les vacances de printemps.

8. I failed to finish my quiz; too bad!

J’ai manqué de finir mon interro; tant pis! (c’est dommage)