IS ….
How individual develop the personal attitudes and the reading, watching, and listening skill that are a necessary part of literature. Stage of appreciation
Level 1: understanding of pleasure and profit from printed words and from visual and oral presentation (birth to kindergarten) Level 2: learning to decode and developing an attention span (Primary Grades 6-8) Level 3: losing oneself in literature (late elementary 9-11) Level 4: finding oneself in literature (junior high 12-11) Level 5: venturing beyond self (high school 15-18) Level 6: reading widely (college 18-adulthood) Level 7: aesthetic appreciation (adulthood – death) Stages
PSYCHOANALYSIS (Freudian theory of Personality)
Sigmund Freud Unconsciousness Organization of personality The Id The Ego The Superego Defense Mechanism of Ego Development of the sexual personality The oral The anal The sexual The Genital Psychoanalysis
I’m Jews Physician/ Psychiatrist, Studied in medicine in University of Vienna I was Born in Friberg, Moravia, Austria 1956 died in London, England 1939
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change its form Human is animal Energy is interchangeable
living organism is a dynamic system to which the laws of chemistry and physics apply
Joseph Breuer’s talking-out-your-problem method
my life has been aimed at one goal only: to infer or to guess how the mental apparatus is constructed and what forces interplay and counteract in it
Human mind is influenced mostly by unconscious mind than conscious mind
Personality as a result of dynamic, and conflict: Id, ego, and Superego
Defense Mechanism
Reaction formation
Live in a creative science era (Darwin, Pasteur, Mendel, Helmholtz, Einstein, Maxwell, Pierre Curie, etc) Physician/ Psychiatrist, Studied in medicine in University of Vienna Ernst Brucke University of Viena:”living organism is a dynamic system to which the laws of chemistry and physics apply Joseph Breuer’s talking-out-your-problem method Freud:”my life has been aimed at one goal only: to infer or to guess how the mental apparatus is constructed and what forces interplay and counteract in it (Hall,1956:15). Sigmund Freud
Unconsciousness is Human mind is influenced mostly by unconscious mind than conscious mind unconsciousness
Personality as a result of dynamic, and conflict: Id, ego, and Superego Id : provide for the immediate discharge of quantities of excitation (energy or tension) that are released in the organism by internal or external stimulation (Hall, 1956:22) Works by pleasure principle aimed to avoid pain and find pleasure Ego : executive of the personality, controlling and governing the id and the superego and maintaining commerce with the external world in the interest of the total personality and its far flung need. Works by reality principle aimed to postpone the discharge of energy until the actual object that will satisfy the need has been discovered or produced. Superego: moral or judicial branch of personality, internalized values from parents/ environment Ego Ideal: child’s conception of what his parents consider to be morally good Conscience: child’s conception of what his parents consider to be morally bad Organization of Personality
The Ego attemp to alleviate anxiety by using methods that deny, falsify, or distort reality and that impede the development of personality. Kinds of Defense Mechanism Repression: nullifying or restraining Projection: changing the subject of the feeling Reaction formation: Fixation Regression Defense Mechanism