Bell Ringer 1. List possible causes of Sybil’s sever multiple personality disorder. 2. Why do you think Sybil was unable to remember the abuse inflicted on her as a child? 3. What techniques does Dr. Wilbur use to help Sybil remember her past? Describe at least three techniques.
Psychoanalytic Perspective of Personality Unit XI
Main Ideas of Freud’s Psychoanalytic Perspective Adult personality is almost totally shaped by childhood experiences. Our unconscious mind has much influence over our behaviors Defenses Mechanisms – methods we use to avoid recognizing ideas or emotions that may cause use anxiety
Three Levels of Consciousness Conscious – everyday thought process take place here: decision making, problem solving, daydreaming Preconscious – a crossover zone between the conscious and unconscious. Material not being used at the moment, but not represses. Unconscious – the great storehouse of our basic drives, sexual desires, more savage emotions, and most painful memories. Repressed
Freud's Techniques to get into the Unconscious Used hypnosis and free association (relax and say it all) to delve into unconscious. Dream interpretation Mapped out the “mental dominoes” of the patients past in a process he called psychoanalysis.
Freud's Personality Structure Ego Superego Id
Bell Ringer 1. Get out your notes - Psychoanalytic Perspective of Personality. 2. Describe at least two of the major concepts that Freud believed about personality. 3. Which level of Consciousness are each of the following located? Painful repressed memories Thoughts you are thinking Stored memories 4. Freud would say that a man who is concerned only with his own pleasure, even at the expense of hurting others, is ruled by his _________ and has too little __________.
Id Unconscious energy that drives us to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives. Id operates on the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification.
Superego Part of personality that represents our internalized ideals. Standards of judgment or our morals.
Ego The boss “executive” of the conscious. Its job is to mediate the desires of the Id and Superego. Called the “reality principle”.