3G CAR android
Picture 添加 LOGO Front side Side Backside
指示图标说明 添加 LOGO GSM signal GGPRS connected EEDGE connected 3G3G connected HHSPA (3G+) connected Connected to Wifi Enable BT Connected to BT Screen marks Indication
Main feature 添加 LOGO Car DVR Touch screen Message display Enable and disenable taking picture and video remotely WIFI, BT supported OTA supported 3G Android OS Real time tracking by web,mobile SOS
一、 voice guide 添加 LOGO User can call to the device,and follow up the voice guide as above description Description : Press key6:enable to record the car inside video Press key7:modify password Press key8: cutoff oil or engine 按 9 键: recovery oil or engine Press key1 : to enter two way conversation mode Press key2 : requiry for the current location by sms Press key3 : ask for the current car front photo by SMS Press key4 : enable to record the car front video Press key 5 : ask for the currrent car inside photo by SMS
添加 LOGO user can send the SMS to the device to remotely control the device SMS command Description: 一、 monitor by SMS · ZE0018ROE# Recover oil or engine · ZE0017BOE# Cut off oil or engine · ZE0005WZ# Check the current location by SMS ZE0022VOUT# To enable the front car video ZE0003C # Set SOS number ZE0013QM07# check the current car image ZE0023VIN# Record car inside video ZE0004Q# Check SOS authorized number ZE0015SAT# Set anti-theft mode
添加 LOGO 一、 monitor by tracking platform History playtrack Vehicle control tracking Vehicle dispatch Taking picture and video
二、 real time tracking 添加 LOGO displaying current location and voice broadcast the location
三、 VIDEO RECORDING 添加 LOGO stop:record Recording car front video Recording car inside video Stop:record
四、 SOS 添加 LOGO after SOS is triggered, the device will make urgent call to the authorized phone
六、 camera 添加 LOGO Taking photo: press camera button in the screen and take photo and save it. Remotely taking photo by calling voice guide or mobile APK or web platform !
七、 message 添加 LOGO User can send and receive SMS and edit SMS and MMS Through Mobile APK or web platform, the user can dispatch message to device.
八、 video call management 添加 LOGO Front camera :5m pixel, back camera : 2m pixel User could dial the number to built up video call communication as following Note : the SIM card need support 3G video communication function. dial the phone number
九、 CAR DVR enable recording car video remotely by web platform or mobile APK or SMS or by screen Manue 。 It support maximum 32G sd card. 车速: 地址:山东省潍坊市坊子区凤凰路
十、 mobile APK Log in page
Date,time weather City advertise 客户端功能 操作 十一、 mobile APK instruction
十二、 mobile APK Click “vehicle management ”to open the vehicle group
十二、 mobile APK instruction Click vehicle to enter into vehciel management page
Click real time tracking to view the location in the map 十二、 Mobile APK instruction