Types of Microscopes Simple Microscope - contains only one lens. ex. magnifying glass Compound Light Microscope - a system of two lens that work together. Electron Microscopes - uses electrons to provide detailed views of specimens ex. TEM and SEM Dissecting Microscope - allows for the viewing of specimens without the use of a slide.
Label the following parts of the Microscope Ocular / Eyepiece Arm Bodytube Revolving Nose Piece Low Power Objective Lens Medium Power Objective Lens High Power Objective Lens Stage Clips Diaphragm Light Source Stage Coarse Adjustment Knob Fine Adjustment Knob Base
Calculating Magnification To calculate magnification in a compound light microscope you multiply the magnification power of the objective by the magnification power of the ocular. Example: Ocular = 10 xObjective = 4 x Magnification = 10 x * 4 x = 40 x Calculate the magnification values in the following situations 1) Objective = 10 xOcular = 10 x 100 x 2) Objective = 40 xOcular = 10 x 400 x 3) Objective = 100 xOcular = 10 x 1000 x
Total Magnification Example
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) - Capable of magnification of x - specimens being observed must be dead. (Unable to examine a living cell) - Operates by having beams of electrons pass through a single layer of cells and reflect to create the image. - Used to observe internal structures. ex. nucleus
SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE (SEM) - Capable of magnification up to x - Specimens must be dead. - Used to observe the external structures of a specimen. (Electrons are reflected off the surface of the specimen being observed.)
SEM Specimen Image
Field of View ·With our microscopes the diameter of the FV under low power is 4 mm ·FV is measured in micrometers or microns. ·1 mm = 1000 microns ·Therefore, our FV under low power is 4000 microns
Calculating Changes in the Field of View - Each time magnification is increased the field of view decreases. - To determine the size of the new field of view: 1) Calculate the increase in magnification. ex. from low power (4x) to high power (10x) magnification increase = 10x/4x magnification increase = 2.5 x 2) To calculate the amount the field of view has decreased by divide the old field of view size by the value of the increase in magnification. ex. 4000um/2.5x = 1600um
Objective LensPowerField Diameter low4X3500 µm medium10X? high40X? Microscope Calculations – Practice Questions 1. A microscope has an eyepiece lens with a power of 5X. The objective lens being used has a power of 10X. Total magnification = 2. A microscope has an eyepiece lens with a power of 15X. The objective lens being used has a power of 40X Total magnification = 3. Sue observes a clear plastic, millimeter ruler under low power of her microscope. She sees three divisions of the ruler. What would be the field diameter of Sue’s microscope on low power? (in micrometers ('µm') 4. Convert each of the following to micrometers (µm). a) 3.5mm b) 4.0mm c) 1.5 cm d) 0.5 cm 5. Calculate the field of view using the details in the table below.