City College of San Francisco Women in Digital Home Technology Integration (DHTI)
What is DHTI? This work involves installing computer networks, home entertainment systems, alarm systems, heating and air conditioning systems, and other computer- monitored and managed home systems at customers’ homes.
Career Path Graduates to this program have the skills to work as entry level premise technicians or installers for companies like: Comcast AT&T Best Buy (the Geek Squad)
Career Path Advancement Once graduates have proven their skills and dedication at a company, many opportunities for advancement exist. Workers may also become consultants within their own businesses or work with smaller firms who provide these services. Some graduates also go on to get a four-year degree, which may lead to management.
Labor Market Approx. Starting Salary: New graduates can expect an hourly wage as a premise technician or installer of up to $18/hour. Average Wage at Placement: $17 - $34 per hour Average Salary:$35,000 - $40,000 Placement Rate: This program is new, and will not have graduates until However, several current students have been placed at AT&T and Comcast while they are in school. Labor Market: The demand is strong for trained individuals with excellent work habits and positive attitudes who can help consumers with complex installations of home entertainment systems, alarm systems, heating and air conditioning systems, and other computer- monitored and manager home systems.
Industries Employing Graduates of this Program Telecommunications Consumer electronics Computer sales Digital home integration consulting firms
Career FAQs Are employers hiring for jobs in this area? Yes, definitely! Companies such as AT&T, Comcast, and the Geek Squad always have a need for entry level premise technicians, installers, and computer support personnel. As the home environment contains more and more consumer electronics, systems become more complex and require expert intervention to set up and maintain them.
Career FAQs cont’d Can I pursue a career in this field without a background in technology? Yes, but you should be comfortable using a computer and typical desktop software. If you need help getting up to speed, you can enroll in CNIT 100, Introduction to Computers Using PCs. Will employers hire women into male-dominated technology areas? Yes, in fact we have been contacted by some of the major employers specifically asking for help in attracting women into this field.
Course Information Associate of Science (A.S.) Degree: Digital Home Technology Integration – 2 years to complete, including general education requirements Certificate: Digital Home Technology Integration – Around one year part time to complete
Class Hours Classes are mainly offered in the evening, on occasional weekends, and online. One-third of the classes are offered online. Schedules vary by semester.
Academic FAQ The Associate of Science (A.S.) Degree in Computer Networking and Information Technology (CNIT) (with an option in Digital Home Technology Integration) takes two years to complete, including general education requirements and 21 units of CNIT courses and the Home Technology Integration option courses for a total of 60 units. The certificate program usually takes one year. Many students work full-time while in school, since most classes are held in the evening. The program requires four lecture/lab courses including the new Digital Home Technology Integration course (CNIT 150) plus one lab course for a total of 13 units. How long will it take to complete this technology program?
Role Models If They Can Do It So Can You!
Abigail Bornstein Instructor, Computer Networking “Digital Home Technology Integration is a huge, new, growing field, and I think women should go for it. The home is becoming more and more digital, whether it’s our stereo system, or a big screen TV, or laptops and networks and handheld devices, there’s a lot of growth in this area, and it’s not going to go away. So if you want a job that’s definitely going to be looking for employees, this would be a great area to go into.”
Abigail Bornstein cont’d She took night classes to better prepare herself for her job at a hard drive company Her hands on experience at CCSF helped reinforce the learning from books and lectures Salary:$50K - $80KEducation: Years in Field: 6 years in high tech doing market research, 4 years as instructor in computer networking. Computer courses, City College of San Francisco MBA, Cal State University Hayward City/State:San Francisco, CA
Abigail Bornstein cont’d On working with men: “A lot of my female students lack confidence in what they’re doing, but they actually know just as much, if not more, than my male students. Don’t underestimate what you can do, and don’t underestimate your knowledge,” Abigail advises her women students. “You’re probably doing much better than you think you are. So don’t think that you’re lacking something and that everyone else knows more.”
Shirley Ho Information Systems Administrator I “ I believe a lot of women can work in Computer Networking. Do whatever you need to do to grab that opportunity. That opportunity is not going to go after you.”
Shirley Ho cont’d Was always interested in computers It wasn’t until a professor inspired her that she found her interest in networking Salary:$48K - $65KEducation: Years in Field:6 years Laney College and the College of Alameda, 2.5 years B.A. in Business Administration, San Francisco State University, with a concentration in Computer Information Systems City/State:Oakland, CA
Valerie Stewart Information Technician II “What I would say is this: especially if you are married and have kids, don’t stop, be persistent, continue even if it’s just one class each semester or each year. It all adds up. Be persistent and stick with it.”
Valerie Stewart cont’d Realized during high school that she wanted to work with computers She chose CCSF because the classes were more convenient and they had a great selection of classes to choose from Salary:$50K - $65KEducation: Years in Field:28 years Multiple courses, CCSF and Merritt College (programming, hardware, data communication, networking, etc.) MCSE, A+ and CCNA certifications City/State:Pittsburg, CA
Valerie Stewart cont’d On the lack of gender barriers at CCSF: “They [the instructors] treat me like they really want me to be a part of their class. Their actions say that if there is anything they can do to help me become a successful student in their class they will do it.”
Women in Information Technology Organizations Association for Women in Computing - National membership organization with local chapters that offers online newsletters, local networking opportunities, and mentor/mentee programs. Grace Hopper Conference - Annual national conference in which more than 1,000 women in computing in academia, industry, and government come together for research and discussion Women in Cable & Telecommunications - San Francisco Bay Area Chapter - Bay Area chapter of WICT National membership organization. Offers networking opportunities, local and national events and programs, and an annual mentoring event.
Women in Information Technology Organizations Women in Technology International - International membership organization with networking, WITI Marketplace, Career services/search, national conferences and regional events, publications and resources, small business programs, research, and bulletin boards Women in Telecommunications - Non-profit organization of mainly women from the San Francisco Bay Area who meet regularly for informal meetings to educate themselves on industry trends and to network with colleagues. Includes multiple yearly panel discussions and mentorships.
CCSF CalWomenTech Website Features Find an e-mentor Read real women’s success stories Check out news articles about women in the field Find out information about the DHTI program See our list of women in technology career associations Take advantage of industry articles and listservs Join WomenTech Talk Visit us at: The on-line home for women technicians to connect with each other. Whether you are a Network Engineer, a Mechanic or a Sound Tech or a female student in a tech major, you'll want to visit WomenTechWorld.Org where you're not alone anymore. WomenTechTalk This listserv has more than 500 women technicians and students participating in an discussion group. It serves as a source of support and inspiration where women help each other with questions and topics such as: How do I effectively handle negative comments by classmates or coworkers so I can focus on my class or job? Finding a Job in Your Male-Dominated Field Getting Promoted in Your Male-Dominated Field E-Mentoring E-Mentors exists to connect female students in technology/trades with women successfully working in male-dominated fields Women new to traditionally male jobs can find guidance and support from women who have been there E-Jobs Connect with employers who are actively seeking female job applicants in typically male-dominated professions. E-Jobs offers you: Free, current listings in telecommunications with Comcast Auto Notify, which gives you notices when new jobs meeting your criteria have been posted My Checklist feature to save your favorite job opportunities for easy reference
CalWomenTech Project 8 California community colleges receive expert support and technical assistance from the Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science to help recruit and retain women into technology programs where they are under-represented.
CalWomenTech Project cont’d City College of San Francisco –DHTI Program San Diego Mesa College –GIS program Cañada College –Video Game Design program El Camino College –Air Conditioning and Refrigeration program
CalWomenTech Project cont’d Evergreen Valley College –Hybrid-Alternative Fuel Program Irvine Valley College –Electronics Technology Program Las Positas College –Automotive and Welding Programs San Jose City College –Facilities Maintenance Technology Program