Un to the L ORD lift thankful voices, come, worship while your soul re joices ; make known his do ings far and near that peoples all his name may fear. Tell of his wonders day by day, and to his deeds at tention pay. [Sing to the Lord 105b]
2. In joyful song your hearts u niting, his works most marvel lous re citing, now glory in his ho ly name ; let those that seek him spread his fame, in cline their hearts to sing his praise, and unto him their anthems raise.
3. Seek ye Je hovah and his power, seek ye his presence ev’ry hour. His works, so mar vellous and great, re member still and med -i- tate up on the wonders of his hands, the judgments which his mouth commands.
4. Ye seed from Abra ham de scended, to whom his favours were ex tended, and Jacob’s chil dren, whom the L ORD has chosen, heark en to his word. He is the L ORD, our judge divine ; in all the earth his glories shine.
5. Je hovah’s truth will stand for ever, his cov’nant- bonds he will not sever ; the word of grace which he com mands to thousand gen era tions stands ; the cov’nant made in days of old with Abraham he doth uphold.
6. The L ORD his cov’nant people planted in lands of nations which he granted, that they his stat utes might ob serve, nor from his laws might ev er swerve. Let songs of praise to him ascend, and hallelujahs without end. Sing to the Lord 105b Public domain Text: Psalm 105:1–10, 44–45. Samuel G. Brondsema, 1931, Psalter Hymnal, 1957, alt. Tune: Genevan Psalter, 1562; harm. Henry J. Van Andel, 1954, Psalter Hymnal, 1957