Sigmund Freud
●One of the most influential people of the 20th century ●Founding father of psychoanalysis ○ “Talking Cure” ○ Encourage patients to talk freely ○ Treating mental illness ○ Explains human behavior ●Believes all children are born with powerful, sexual & aggressive urges Sigmund Freud
●Id: Instincts. ●Ego: Reality. ●Superego: Morality. ●Eros- Life helps individuals survive. ○ Activities such as respiration, eating & sex. ●Thanatos- Death instinct. ○ A set of destructive forces present in all human beings. ■ Energy is expressed as aggression & violence when directed towards others. ● Eros is stronger than thanatos, thus enabling people to survive rather than self-destruct. The Psyche
●Topographical Model ○ Describes features of the mind’s structure & function ●Repression - unconscious mechanism employed by ego to keep disturbing thoughts from becoming conscious ●Governs behavior to a greater degree than people suspect The Unconscious Mind
● Oral stage of development o Erotic pleasures obtained through the mouth, sucking at their mothers breast ● Anal stage of development o The child has to learn to control his or her bodily needs o Developing this control leads to a sense of accomplishment and independence ● Phallical stage of development o Child becomes rival for the affection of the opposite sex o Pleasure comes from self-stimulation of gentials ● Latency stage o Little or no sexual motivation present ● Genetial srtage of development o Mature sexual relationships o Puberty-on. Realization of full adult sexuality occurs here; sexual urges re-awaken ● Between the ages 3 & 5 the child learns the pleasure they canobtain from their genetials Psychosexual Development
● Repression o keep disturbing thoughts from becoming conscious ● Denial o Blocking external events from awareness ● Projection o Attributing their unacceptable thoughts to another person ● Displacement o Satisfying an impulse with a substitute object ● Regression o Return to a former less developed state ● Sublimation o Satisfying an impulse with a substitute object in an acceptable way Defense Mechanisms
● Jenna- I think that it’s strange how we develop sexual desires at such a young age. ● Breaunna- I think that it’s interesting that some of our desires are too frightening or painful to acknowledge, so they’re stored in what he refers to as ‘ The unconscious mind’. Jenna Claussen & Breaunna Triscari