A Greater Righteousness Matthew 5:13-20
Introduction-1 The verses read are part of the “Sermon on the Mount” In this lesson He taught the character and actions of those who would be citizens in His Kingdom These words follow the beatitudes and precede Jesus’ comparison of His teaching with the common teachings of the day In verse 20 He said “Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Introduction-2 This must have been surprising to those Jews who heard Jesus The scribes were scholars who interpreted the Law of Moses and judged in matters pertaining to it The Pharisees were the largest sect of the Jews They contended for a strict interpretation of the Law believing in spirits angels and the resurrection of the dead- Acts 23:8 They were considered models of righteousness by the people Yet, Jesus requires a greater righteousness from His disciples
What Is Righteousness? Righteousness is doing what is right Not according to someone’s opinion of what is right but according to God’s word Psa. 119:172 says, “My tongue shall speak of Your word, For all Your commandments are righteousness.” It is a prominent characteristic of the kingdom of God- Rom. 14:17 Obedience to Christ’s teaching is required to enter the kingdom in time and to be a part of it in eternity
The Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees-1 They did many things that were right and good 1.They kept God’s word near to themselves They wore boxes containing paper with scriptures written on them called phylacteries- Mt. 23:5 2.They prayed- Lk. 18:10 The Lord wants us to be people who pray also Phil. 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God;”
The Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees-2 3. They gave a tenth of their possession to the Lord according to the Law of Moses- Lk. 18:12 We are not required to give a tenth under the law of Christ Our giving is to be liberal- Rom. 12:8 & II Cor. 9:6 And according to our prosperity- I Cor. 16:2 4. They were teachers of the Law- Mt. 23:2 They were zealous to make proselytes- v. 15 We ought to be zealous for the God’s word also
The Mistakes of the Scribes and the Pharisees-1 1. Their good deeds were done for the wrong motive They were motivated by the praise of men Mt. 23:5 says, “But all their works they do to be seen of men.” The proper motive for doing good is to please God and bring glory to Him- Mt. 5:16 2.They were hypocritical Jesus called them hypocrites eight times in Matthew 23 They did not practice what they preached- Mt. 23:2 Their worship and their religion was a show
The Mistakes of the Scribes and the Pharisees-2 These are the things for which Jesus often rebuked the scribes and the Pharisees 3.They were also proud and self-righteous Seen in the prayer of the Pharisee- Lk. 18:11-12 His pride blinded him to his own sins He saw no need for forgiveness and asked for none God despises pride and resists the proud- Prov. 6:17 We must recognize our weaknesses, acknowledge our sins and humbly trust in the Lord for forgiveness and direction
The Mistakes of the Scribes and the Pharisees-3 4. They practiced selective obedience Emphasizing the teachings of the law that they thought were most important- Mt. 23:23 Jesus said they should have kept all of the Law Partial obedience is disobedience Jesus also said that man is to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God- Mt. 4:4 5. They added the traditions of their elders to God’s law They considered these just as authoritative as the Law
The Mistakes of the Scribes and the Pharisees-4 Their tradition of Corban violated God’s word- Mk. 7:8-13 To add human traditions and teachings will make one’s religion and worship empty and useless- Mk. 7: They were uncaring and unmerciful toward other people- Mt. 23:4 & 14 Love for one’s neighbor is the second great commandment - Mt. 22:39 Love requires that we care for and show mercy to others We will only receive God’s mercy if we are merciful- Jas. 2:13
In Conclusion The greater righteousness that Jesus requires involves quality not quantity We must strive to avoid pride and live according to what we teach and profess We must be content to humbly follow His word without any alteration having God’s word in our heart The gospel is made to be worn inside If it is our heart, it will be seen in our words and actions Do you need to make changes in your life?