TESTING & COMMISSIONING Introduction The commissioning of electrical power systems may, in the first instance, be thought of a purely engineering activity, associated with understanding and proving the technical integrity, it is however, also a management process, requiring such qualities as; setting of objectives; planning; organising; documentation control; and, most important, the creation of team work.
1.0 COMMISSIONING OBJECTIVES COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT The objectives of commissioning is to prove that the individual items of equipment, which are interconnected to form systems, circuits and substations, are suitable for their intended purpose and acceptable for commercial service. COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING OBJECTIVES COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT This global objective can be subdivided into Verifying that the equipment has not been damaged in transit, that it has been properly installed, and performs as specified Obtaining test data as the basis for comparison with future maintenance and fault investigations results COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT Commissioning activities includes Off load commissioning test Objectives: To prove the integrity of the installed equipment, hence its suitable for connection to the power system, by observing its performance under test conditions which, as far as practicable, simulate in service conditions and requirements. COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT b) On-Load Commissioning Test Tests which are carried out with the equipment connected to the power system. Objectives: This test utilized the power system itself to demonstrate that the installation is technically acceptable for commercial operation COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT c) Inspection: -Pre-energisation Inpection: Process which are carried out before the circuit being energised Objectives: To ensure that all equipment are properly connected and in proper condition before energisation - Post Commissioning Inspection: Process which are carried out after circuit/system has been energised Objectives: To ensure and recheck that the equipments have been left in the service condition COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
1.2 COMMISIONING PANEL The commissioning panel is responsible for managing the whole commissioning process. The commissioning panel typically consists of the following representation: Chairman, usually project manager Technical engineer from the supply company capable of defining the required tests and accepting the test results. Contractor representatives supply company power system operations department (mainly concerned with the energisation process) representatives of any companies whose equipment interfaces with that being commissioned.
1.3 COMMISSIONING PROGRAM The commissioning program is the key activity to be progressed by the commissioning panel. It should ideally cover the following stages: Pre-commissioning inspection 2. Off load commissioning test program 3. Pre-energised inspection 4. Energisation and on load commissioning tests (usually covered by the switching program) 5. Post commissioning inspection
COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT COMMISSIONING PROGRAMME 1.31 Pre-Commissioning Inspection This would consists of an inspection of the installation to determined whether work is complete and satisfactory to the point where off-load commissioning test can commence 1.32 Off-load commissioning Test A programme of test which include: Test associated with AC circuit diagram i) Test on current and voltage Transformer ii) Primary Injections Test associated with DC circuit diagram i) Secondary injection on DC relays ii) Circuit diagram logic tests COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT COMMISSIONING PROGRAMME c) Equipment Secondary Injections d) Power Supplies i) 110V battery and distribution board ii) 48 V battery and distribution board iii) Diesel Generator iv) low voltage AC supplies e) High Voltage equipment test i) Circuit Breaker ii) Switches iii) Disconnectors iv) Earth Switches v) Transfomers COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING PROGRAMME COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT vi) Reactors vii) Busbars viii) Cables f) Common Equipment i) Busbar Protection ii) Interlocking iii) Synchronizing iv) air system v) Substation Control Systems g) Earthing System i) Substation earthing mat ii) interconnection of earthing system iii) Tower earthing COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING PROGRAMME COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT h) High-voltage pressure Test Auto-switching off-load simulation tests End to end Test i) Power Line Carier ii) Intertripping iii) Protection System iv) Substation Control System k) Insulation resistance Test associated with the above COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING PROGRAMME COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT 1.33 Pre-Energization Inspection Pre-energisation inspection must be carried out prior to the circuit being energised Example: Confirmation of circuit nomenclature Confirmation that equipment phase connections are in accordance with the phasing diagram Application of locks Checking the correct position of all valves Ensuring satisfactory indication of all pressure valves Checking that all equipment is satisfactorily earthed Ensuring the satisfactory conditioned of all battery supplies Checking that all test connections have been removed Confirmation of the tightness of all terminations Confirmation that all current transformers are normal COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING PROGRAMME COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT k) Confirmation that all current transformers links are normal l) All realay settings have been applied correctly m) Confirmation that all commissioning documentation is completed. 1.34 Switching Programme This is a formal and precise worded procedure which specifies the sequence of events required to energise the circuit and carry out the on-load commissioning test. It needs to be circulated to all parties concerned to ensure unanimityof agreement and understanding. It should be provided and approved by the commissioning panel. COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING PROGRAMME COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT 1.35 Post-Commissioning Inspection The purpose of this inspection is to double check that the commissioned equipment has been left in the in service position. Example: Ensuring that all temporary commissioning equipment has been removed. Ensuring that all current transformers links are normal Checking the correct position of all IN/OUT switches and transformers tap position Ensuring that all relay settings are normal General visual inspection Ensuring that all commissioned equipment are clearly identify COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT 1.4 DOCUMENTATION An essential requirement of the commissioning process is the formal documentation on both the management activities and the commissioning test. Two type of documentation are Commissioning report- The commissioning report is the formal record of the managerial process. It should consists of A contents sheet, updated as the project progress A copy of high level design specifications Formal minutes of commissioning meetings The programmed of work to be carried out, showing planned and actual completion dates A schedule of commissioning test A commissioning completion documentation, to certify that all work is completed. COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT 1.4 DOCUMENTATION b) Commissioning Log Is the record of the technical process, comprising the complete commissioning test schedule, test certificates, inspection report, switching programme and other relevant technical document COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT
COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT 1.5 COMMISSIONING CERTIFICATES Acceptance Certificate This certificate declares that The equipment is ready to be connected to the power system The equipment has been energised and subject to on-load commissioning tests Contract Taking Over certificate When the work has been completed satisfactorily and the equipment commissionied, a contract taking-over certificte or similar documents will require completion. This document notifies the contractor that the supply company has accepted and that the warranty period has commence COMMISSIONING MANAGEMENT