Child Development Theories By: Kelsey Johnson and Alicia Jones
Psychodynamic also known as insight-oriented therapy
Erik Erikson Theory of Human development stagedescriptionchallengestrength 1The newbornTrust vs. mistrusthope 2toddlersAutonomy vs. shame and doubt Willpower 3childhoodInitiative vs. guiltPurpose 4SchoolCompetence (industry) vs. inferiority Competence 5AdolescenceSearch for identity vs. role confusion fidelity 6Young adulthoodIntimacy vs. Isolationlove 7GrownupsGenerativity vs.stagnation care 8Old ageIntegrity vs. despairwisdom
Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic theory of childhood sexuality stageageDescription/major area OralBirth-2Mouth (sucking biting) source of pleasure (eating and teething) Anal2-3Bowel movements source of pleasure (toilet learning) Phallic3-6Genitals (source of pleasure) sex role identification and conscious development Latency6-12Sexual forces dormant and energy put into schoolwork and sports genital12-18Genitals source of pleasure stimulation and satisfaction from relationships
Biboliography 1."Psychodynamic Therapy | Psych Central." Psych N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr