Child Discipline
CHILD DISCIPLINE MODULE Aims to measure prevalence of violence at home against children Very small empirical evidence and analysis to develop policies, programs and interventions Uses as framework the CRC and the protective environment framework approach Uses a conflict tactic scale by which parents or adults in general teach children the right behaviour or address a behaviour problem MICS3 selected 11 of these tactics to estimate prevalence of violence among children 2-14 years old
Goals and Indicators
Methodological issues Needs proper adaptation to the conditions and language of country The indicator provides the prevalence of: 1.non-violent discipline 2.Psychological discipline/aggression 3.Minor physical discipline/aggression 4.Severe physical disicipline/aggression Since the period of reference is the month before the survey, we may end up with a small number of children 2-14 years who experience either minor physical punishment and/or severe physical punishment Sample size should be reviewed when including module