By: Charlie O’Brien
Description Mechanical engineering is a field of engineering that uses physics to design, analyze, and manufacture mechanical devices.
Areas of Specialization Biomedical and Engineering Fluid Mechanics Combustion and the Environment Ground Vehicle Systems Systems Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, and Energy Manufacturing Mechanical Design System Dynamics and Control Transportation Systems
Job Prospects The 2006 to 2016 DLLR occupational projections for mechanical engineers in MD is approximately a 10% increase during this period.
Salary The Starting Salary for a mechanical engineer right out of college is $77,000.
College Degree Needed You need at least a bachelors degree to become a mechanical engineer.
Bibliography Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering. 24 Feb Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Tech. 24 Feb University of Delaware - Department of Mechanical Engineering. 25 Feb Welcome to the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. 25 Feb Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 24 Feb