34 Terrorism Awareness
2 Objectives (1 of 2) Describe the threat posed by terrorism. Identify potential terrorist targets in your jurisdiction. Describe the dangers posed by explosive devices. 34
3 Objectives (2 of 2) Describe the difference between chemical and biologic agents. Describe the dangers posed by radiological incidents. Describe the need for decontamination of exposed victims and response personnel. 34
4 What is Terrorism? (1 of 2) The unlawful use of violence or threats of violence to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives 34
5 What is Terrorism? (2 of 2) Wide range of acts committed by different groups for different purposes FBI classifications: –Domestic –International 34
6 Terrorism is a Worldwide Threat (1 of 2) In 2000: –1,106 international terrorism incidents led to 2,494 innocent civilian deaths. In 2001: –864 terrorist incidents –World Trade Center attack accounted for 4,739 worldwide deaths. 34
7 Between 1994 and 1995, the U.S. reported 24 terrorist incidents and three suspected crimes of a terrorist nature. Between 1994 and 1995, law enforcement agencies prevented 47 terrorist incidents. 34 Terrorism is a Worldwide Threat (2 of 2)
8 Fire Service Response to Terrorist Incidents Response includes EMS, hazardous materials mitigation, technical rescue, and fire suppression. Terrorism challenge is unprecedented, unparalleled threat to fire fighters and emergency responders. 34
9 Working with Multiple Agencies Fire fighters must work with: –Local, state, and federal law enforcement –Emergency management –Allied health agencies –Military Interagency coordination and cooperation is essential. Agencies must be prepared for wide range of potential situations. 34
10 Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) WMD is greatest threat. Devices designed to cause maximum damage to property or people Devices include conventional weapons and explosives, chemical, biologic, and radioactive agents. Thousands of casualties possible from WMD in urban area. WMD can overwhelm response agencies, healthcare system. 34
11 Fire Service Must Prepare for Terrorist Threat Explore new approaches, technologies to manage WMD incidents. Need to improve ability to identify and mitigate releases of chemical, biologic, or radiological agents 34
12 Potential Targets and Tactics Terrorists usually motivated by a cause Targets chosen which will help achieve objectives Symbolic targets likely –Places of worship –Foreign embassy –Monument or prominent government building 34
13 Sabotage is Likely Attempts to destroy or disable facility significant to terrorist cause Ultimate goal is to cause economic turmoil Interference with transportation, trade, or commerce 34
14 Choice of Attack Method Method chosen to make statement or achieve maximum results Methods may vary over time. Explosives most commonly used –Recent increase in suicide bombings –Development of chemical and biologic agents to harm great numbers of people 34
15 Attacks in the 1980s Involved hijackings with hostages Affected aircraft and cruise ships From few to hundreds of hostages –Diplomats, journalists, athletes targeted –Hostage release offered in exchange for imprisoned allies of terrorist cause –Recent acts had no opportunity for hostage release. 34
16 Terrorism Can Occur In Any Community Examples of targets and perpetrators: –Rural ski lodge targeted by environmentalists –Fur retailer targeted by animal rights groups –Community health center targeted for bombing by anti-abortion groups 34
17 Targets and Attacks can be Anticipated (1 of 2) Routine intelligence is gathered by law enforcement. –Information to fire departments for preincident planning –Fire department plans must include potential terrorist attacks as well as fires. 34
18 Targets and Attacks can be Anticipated (2 of 2) News accounts of international incidents can update fire fighters to applicable local current trends. Internet resources help keep fire fighters aware of current threats. Familiarity with potential targets and current tactics help to plan strategies and tactics for potential attacks. 34
19 Ecoterrorism Illegal acts committed by groups supportive of environmental or related causes –Spiking trees to sabotage logging operations –Vandalizing research labs conducting animal experimentation –Fire bombing stores that sell fur coats Several domestic ecoterrorism incidents attributed to: –Earth Liberation Front (ELF) –Animal Liberation Front (ALF) 34
20 Infrastructure Targets (1 of 2) Disruption of transportation venues to inflict many casualties –Bridges –Tunnels –Subways 34
21 Infrastructure Targets (2 of 2) Disruption of public utilities and services –Public water supply –Electrical power distribution systems –Community public safety or notification systems Public safety targets 34
22 Symbolic Targets (1 of 2) Monuments targeted by groups seeking attack on national pride Foreign embassies targeted by groups promoting revolution, protesting a nation’s internal policies 34
23 Symbolic Targets (2 of 2) Religious institutions and icons targeted by hate groups Intent of targeting symbols: –Increase awareness of demands –Create public sense of fear 34
24 Civilian Targets Locations of mass assembly targeted to kill maximum number of potential victims Goal is to create pervasive fear and vulnerability during daily activities Similar effect intended with letter bombs containing biologic agents 34
25 Cyberterrorism Electronic attack on government or private computer systems Attempts made to disrupt Internet Attempts to penetrate government and other critical networks 34
26 Agroterrorism Use of chemical or biologic agents to attack agricultural industry or food supply Introduction of disease to livestock Billion dollar financial loss possible 34
27 Agents and Devices Terrorists can use multiple weapons. Bombings are most frequent terrorist acts. Fire fighters need to be aware of other weapons. –Automatic weapons –Microscopic biologic agents –Computer virus attacks Planning should consider full range of possibilities. 34
28 Explosives and Incendiary Devices (1 of 2) Domestic bombings increasing 20-25% of U.S. bombings involve incendiary devices. Groups or individuals use bombs: –To further causes –To intimidate co-workers or former spouses –To take revenge –To experiment with bomb recipes found in books or online 34
29 Explosives and Incendiary Devices (2 of 2) Thousands of pounds of explosives stolen annually Blasting agents created from common materials such as ANFO Can be contained in any size packaging from letter bomb to truckload 34
30 Most Common IED: Pipe Bomb Pipe filled with explosives, rigged with detonator May be packed with nails, objects, chemical or radiological agent for optimal injury 34
31 Secondary Devices Intended to explode after the initial event Designed to kill emergency responders, law enforcement, spectators, and news reporters Common tactic abroad Becoming more common in North America 34
32 Working with Other Agencies Regular joint training is required for explosives. Should include: –Local and state police –FBI –Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms –Military EOD units 34
33 Potentially Explosive Devices Follow department SOPs. Evacuate civilians and establish perimeter. Establish a command post and staging area. Develop an emergency action plan. Consider a forward staging area. 34
Actions Following an Explosion (1 of 2) Consider it was detonated until proven accidental. Scene safety is first priority. Consider possibility of a secondary device. Include a hazard assessment in size-up. Determine structural stability. 34
35 Actions Following an Explosion (2 of 2) 34
36 Chemical Agents Potential to kill/injure the greatest number Potential for use by terrorists Instructions are readily available. Can be disseminated in several ways 34
37 Protection from Chemical Agents Air flow is most common dispersal method. Wear full PPE and SCBA. Use detection devices, not your senses. 34
38 Nerve Agents (1 of 2) Toxic substances that attack the central nervous system Similar to pesticides only times more toxic Common nerve agents are liquids. Sarin is most volatile, but evaporates quickly. VX is the most stable and slow to evaporate. 34
39 Nerve Agents (2 of 2) 34
40 Nerve Agent Exposure Symptoms Pinpoint pupils Runny nose Drooling Difficulty breathing Tearing Diarrhea Convulsions/seizures Loss of consciousness 34
41 SLUDGE 34
42 Blister Agents Produce blisters on the skin Sulfur mustard –Clear, yellow, or amber oily liquid with faint sweet mustard or garlic odor that vaporizes slowly and can be aerosolized –Pain on contact Lewisite –Oily, colorless-to-dark-brown liquid with odor of geraniums –Symptoms may not appear for several hours. 34
43 Choking Agents Typically phosgene or chlorine Heavier than air and settle in low areas High concentrations immediately irritate eyes, nose, and upper airway, and exposure causes pulmonary edema within hours. Low concentrations may only experience lung damage. Cause burns on contact Remove from area and flush skin with water. 34
44 Blood Agents Highly toxic causing death within minutes Most common agents are cyanide compounds used in industry. Can be inhaled or ingested Usually associated with the gas chamber Symptoms that appear quickly include gasping for air, reddish skin, and seizures. Evacuate the area immediately. 34
45 Biologic Agents Organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins Greatest potential is from inhalation Effects depend on toxin, dose, and route of entry. Some biologic agents are contagious. 34
46 Anthrax Infectious disease caused by anthacis bacteria found in farm animals and livestock When cultured, can be used as a weapon The World Health Organization suggests that 110 lbs sprayed over an urban area of 500,000 could cause 220,000 deaths. 34
47 Smallpox Highly infectious disease caused by the Variola virus which kills 30% of those infected Nearly eradicated by 1980 Can be dispersed in aerosol form Millions have never been vaccinated. Millions more have a reduced immunity. 34
48 Plague Caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis Commonly found in rodents Three forms: bubonic, septicemic, pneumonic Can survive for weeks in water, soil, or grain Can be cultured and used in an aerosol form 34
49 Dealing with Biologic Agents Responders will not likely recognize a release. Require an incubation period before symptoms appear Typically the CDC or hospitals will be the first to recognize. Experts anticipate the use of a crop dusting plane or garden sprayer to deliver an attack. Follow SOPs for body substance isolation and PPE. 34
50 Radiological Agents Nuclear detonation unlikely, but possible Dirty bombs are more likely. Radioactive materials release energy as waves or particles. Radiation does not glow, smell, or taste. Instruments detect radiation and measure the dose rates. Become familiar with your equipment. 34
51 The Dirty Bomb Causes purposeful dissemination of radioactive material across an area without a nuclear detonation Radioactive material can be obtained from several sources, such as a nuclear power plant. 34
52 Types of Radiation Alpha particles –Lose energy quickly and travel only 1" to 2" –Can be stopped by clothing or a sheet of paper Beta particles –Can travel feet –Can be stopped by metal, glass, or plastic –Harmful to skin, eyes, or when ingested or inhaled Gamma rays –Penetrate most materials –Most destructive to the body 34
53 Effects of Radiation Low level –Nausea and vomiting High level –Bone marrow destruction, nerve and digestive system damage, and skin burns Extreme exposures may cause rapid death. Contaminated persons have radioactive material on skin and clothing. Exposure can occur without direct contact. 34
54 Ways to Limit Exposure Keep time of exposure to a minimum. Stay as far from the source as possible. Use shielding to limit the amount reaching the body. –Firefighting PPE is adequate for alpha. –SCBA is needed for beta. –Heavy shielding is needed for gamma. 34
55 Operations Objective of terrorists is to cause as much harm as possible. –Responders are just as likely to be targets as civilians. Initial dispatch may not indicate true cause. Take all precautions and stay alert. 34
56 Initial Actions at a Terrorism Incident (1 of 2) Approach as if it is a hazardous materials scene. Establish a perimeter. Establish a command post. Determine the nature of the situation, types of potential hazards, and the magnitude. Deploy a recon team to determine number affected, nature and severity of injuries, and structural damage. 34
57 Initial Actions at a Terrorism Incident (2 of 2) Recon must wear full PPE and SCBA. –Be cautious but work as rapidly as possible. –Use instruments. –Do not touch liquids or solids or step on pools. –Do not leave area until decontaminated. Use process of elimination to determine the nature of the incident. Consider possibility of secondary device. 34
58 Interagency Coordination (1 of 3) Immediately contact local law enforcement. If a mass casualty, contact the area hospitals. Request the local technical rescue teams. Notify the state emergency management. 34
59 Interagency Coordination (2 of 3) Emergency Operations Center can coordinate actions of all involved agencies in a large-scale incident. 34
60 Interagency Coordination (3 of 3) Remember this is a crime scene. –Do not disturb evidence. –Terrorists may be among the injured. 34
61 Decontamination (1 of 3) Everyone exposed must be decontaminated. Should occur as soon as possible Decontaminate equipment on scene. Designate perimeter around contamination area. 34
62 Decontamination (2 of 3) Standard decontamination is a series of stations where clothes are removed and the individual is cleaned. 34
63 Decontamination (3 of 3) Incident resulting in a large number of casualties may require mass decontamination. –Uses master stream devices from engine companies and aerial apparatus to create high-volume, low-pressure showers 34
64 Mass Casualties Often a result of terrorism or WMD Special plans are essential. Initially may be difficult to determine the agents used so the appropriate treatment and decontamination can be instituted 34
65 Additional Resources (1 of 2) Terrorism incident will likely result in massive response from local, state, and federal agencies. Homeland Security Advisory System provides quick, comprehensive information regarding the potential threat of terrorist attacks or threat levels. 34
66 Additional Resources (2 of 2) The internet provides additional information and training materials. – – – html 34
67 Summary (1 of 2) Fire service will respond to terrorism acts. Fire fighters should familiarize themselves about terrorism. Fire fighters must take special safety precautions at these incidents. Remember that the intent is to cause as much harm as possible. 34
68 Summary (2 of 2) Incidents involving chemical, biologic, or radiological agents require decontamination. Terrorist incidents have the potential for a massive number of casualties. 34