Dreams By Nathan Harder
Depending on various factors, dreams most often sprout from images we have seen in the past. Dramatically reenacted in our mind, dreams can influence our feelings without even remembering the dream itself.
Dreams are the boundless thoughts the mind creates. Without restrictions and without limits, dreams are sometimes referred to as proof of a soul; not yet truly found nor discovered.
Psychologists, including Sigmund Freud, have, for many years, speculated what the roots and causes of dreams were. Although the truth is still unclear, most scientists now believe the cause of dreams originate from the sound, smell, touch, taste, and images from your life’s past.
Beginning in the 1960's, science fiction and fantasy became more popular. To this day, titles involving dream-like qualities strike audience’s imaginations, such as, What Dreams May Come, Isaac Asimov’s Robot Dreams, and many others.
Through the decades, the word dream has not only stood for apparitions during sleep, but much more. A dream can signify our greatest wish, pleasure, and delight. Although mostly unattainable, people still look towards their dreams for guidance and inspiration. Why we have become infatuated with dreams, we may never know.
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