MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Questionnaire for Individual Women: Marriage/Union
MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Background Marriage before the age of 18 is a reality for many young women. According to UNICEF's estimates, around 65 million women aged were married or in union before the age of 18. Child marriage compromises the girls development and often results in early pregnancy and social isolation World Fit for Children target: End harmful traditional or customary practices, such as early and forced marriage [...] which violate the rights of children and women
Prevalence of child marriage MICS4 Survey Design Workshop
MICS Indicators # Marriage before age 15 Proportion of women age years who were first married or in union by the exact age of 15 # Marriage before age 18 Proportion of women age years who were first married or in union by the exact age of 18 # Young women age years currently married or in union
MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicators # Polygyny Proportion of women age years who are in a polygynous union Only applicable in countries where polygyny is practiced Requires customization of questionnaire if not asked (add skips in MA2) # 8.10a & # 8.10b - Spousal age difference Proportion of women currently married or in union whose spouse is 10 or more years older (a) for women age years, (b) for women age years
MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Methodological issues Trends in the proportion of women married/in union before age 18 can be obtained by comparing age cohorts (20-24, 25-29, 30-34…) Spousal age differences are produced using the age of the current husband, even if formerly married