UMBC - Delta Initiative Session Goals Why PeopleSoft? How to get support and information The role of the supervisor Policy and procedure changes Business processes –Hiring and managing employees –Payroll –Payroll transfer What is the timeline for all of this?
UMBC - Delta Initiative Why PeopleSoft? Payroll, Grants, and SIS Fall 1999 decision for each UM campus to run their own payroll system and interface directly to the State. Research task force made better financial data on grants their highest priority SIS with prerequisite checking, better advising, and more flexible billing options UMBC wanted an integrated system that did HR, Finance, and Student administration
UMBC - Delta Initiative Why PeopleSoft To get a paycheck! In 1999, UMCP started its PHR project for payroll. UM campuses agreed that each campus would have independent agency code and each would handle their payroll. January 2000, UMBC went out with RFP for HR and Finance. Before final selection was made we decided to follow UMUC and purchase PeopleSoft (Septerber 2000). Reason was to get a single system that provided an integrated HR, Finance, and Student Administration system.
UMBC - Delta Initiative PeopleSoft High Level Goals for HR Implement an integrated payroll and HR demographic system Replace paper journals with an online system Automate manual payroll calculations Implement position control and management Provide payroll encumbrances across project year Provide better information and reporting tools to departments
UMBC - Delta Initiative UMBC Responsibility UMCP has been responsible for all payroll related transactions and issues. In taking on payroll, UMBC will have responsibility for all work now done on our behalf at UMCP. UMBC must demonstrate we can handle this responsibility before we can send Payroll directly to the State.
UMBC - Delta Initiative Human Resources Responsibilities HR takes responsibility for all employee actions (VISA, title, payrate,etc.) HR must make certain data is correct and up-to- date HR now must run and verify campus payroll before sending this to the State Payroll must happen regardless of weather, sickness, or employee turnover HR must deal with State on all issues that arise
UMBC - Delta Initiative Departmental Responsibilities Departments review student and PT hiring paperwork Departments must keep employee info up-to-date Departments must generate and review signed timesheets Departments are responsible for entering employee time and leave usage into PeopleSoft Departments must make certain payroll is charged to proper accounts Departments must follow internal control guidelines
UMBC - Delta Initiative Policy and Procedures - Guiding Rules Guiding Rules - Payroll Processing ManualPayroll Processing Manual BOR VII-P1.0 and VII-9.70 (Establishing/Reclassifying positions) US Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1986 (I-9 form) State Retirement & Pensions (Education Act), , Title II, Subsection 4 (Retirement/Pension Requirements) Executive Order (Substance Abuse Policy) Federal and State Tax Regulations (W-4 forms) Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA Wage Regulations) Audit and internal control requirements
UMBC - Delta Initiative Summary of Changes (1) One-pay cards to bypass hiring a person are eliminated (however, you can supplement pay). Everyone has a position, even student workers All new faculty hires are either 9 or 12 month PT and fulltime faculty need to hand in timesheets PeopleSoft will track all leave balances Shift differential is $16 for all College work study payroll will be done through Financial Aid department
UMBC - Delta Initiative Summary of Changes (2) Following PS rules for FLSA Positions can’t be split between UM campuses. Employees will have two jobs and get two checks. Travel is not reimbursed through payroll Everyone has a primary department for checks Overtime is paid if hourly employee works more than 40 hours at UMBC. Last department on student job record pays the overtime HR will handle faculty/staff orientation and paperwork. Departments handle student paperwork.
UMBC - Delta Initiative PeopleSoft Classification Procedures Budget office will identify position number and give position ID to department Department completes and submits Classification Request form to HR Department for position Classification Request form to HR Department for position Department starts recruitment process, interviews candidates, selects candidate, receives approval to hire candidate
UMBC - Delta Initiative Payroll Process for New Hires Department works with HR to schedule orientation session where new hire brings required documentation Department completes New Hire Personnel Request formNew Hire Personnel Request HR conducts employee orientation and works with employee to complete necessary paperwork HR enters information into PeopleSoft and generates required information to USM/CPB. Department receives New Hire Confirmation memo Upon authorization from USM/CPB employee record is activated and can be paid
UMBC - Delta Initiative Review and Demo UMBC Payroll Process (New Hire) document UMBC New Hire Personnel Request form (see attached)
UMBC - Delta Initiative Payroll Changes to Existing Employees Current payroll card replaced with PeopleSoft screen named UMBC PAR Changes. Presently there is a 3 step process 1.Select change type and update information for each person to update 2.Run report to generate change report 3.Have department head sign report and forward to HR for review and updating PS
UMBC - Delta Initiative Basic Reporting Standard PS reports provide departmental staff with online access to employee information Departments will receive reports confirming personnel action changes made during payroll cycle Reconciliation reports will also be available as payroll audit requirements dictate
UMBC - Delta Initiative Break
UMBC - Delta Initiative Relation of FAS to HR Payroll UMCP uses FAS accounts numbers in their payroll system and send that to Central Payroll Bureau (CPB) Any FAS account that is valid can be used to pay someone but for paper pay journals that FAS acct. must be already associated with the department UMBC is not creating new FAS numbers after 5/19 When employees are hired or converted to PS they are associated with a PS chart string PS Payroll updates PS Finance with salary cost We verify payroll based on output from State CPB FAS numbers go away when we go directly to CPB
UMBC - Delta Initiative Payroll Processing Current paper-based process replaced with UMBC Time Entry Process System tracks rules by position (e.g. overtime eligible, shift differential, etc.) For salaried employees payroll preparer enters exceptions to standard work week (sick leave, vacation, other leave) For hourly employees you enter hours worked, system will do calculation For non-exempt you enter regular and overtime hours Department head checks button to approve
UMBC - Delta Initiative Internal Control Issues for Payroll Timesheets are required Timesheets must be “signed” by employee and supervisor Approved timesheets can’t be touched by employee Payroll approval should still check supporting documentation and notate review. Supervisor clicks approve payroll on each of 3 screens Paychecks should be picked up, verified, and distributed by someone outside the pay process DO NOT SHARE YOUR ACCOUNT
UMBC - Delta Initiative Demo of Time Entry Process Demo of time entry process
UMBC - Delta Initiative Payroll Transfer and Payroll Distribution We have a new form for department earning distributions. This controls what funding source and percentage is charged. Salary and benefits can be charged to multiple chart strings. Alternately you can retroactively transfer payroll charges from one account to another
UMBC - Delta Initiative Timeline on PeopleSoft HR PS is up and is updating Finance. All employees must be in PS Starting payroll 01 k payroll preparers (PP) will do paper journals and PS Time Entry until USM grants final approval Next planned USM test is payroll 02 Expectation is payroll Journal 05 will be PS only
UMBC - Delta Initiative Questions and Evaluations Please login to and select the PeopleSoft Training Resource Community. Once inside this you can fill out the training survey!