Ancient Romans Jeopardy
Jeopardy Art Wars Religion Family Life
200 Common artwork found throughout ancient Roman civilizations consisting of different colored bits and pieces of materials to make up an image were called this. answer
Roman Art 200 What are mosaics? Jeopardy
100 To carve a scene in drying stucco and paint it while it is still damp would be a creation of one of these forms of Roman art. Answer
Roman Art 100 What is a frescoe? Jeopardy
100 Rome and Carthage fought in these wars. Answer
Wars 100 What are the Punic Wars? Jeopardy
100 People who chose to die rather than give up their religious beliefs were called this. Answer
Religion 100 Who are martyrs? Jeopardy
200 Answer Most of the first followers of Jesus were Jews. If you were a non-Jew, you were referred to as this.
Religion 200 What is a Gentile? Jeopardy
300 A sculpture or bust of this dictator was discovered, though it was not created in his lifetime. Answer
Art 300 Who is Julius Caesar? Jeopardy
400 Many carvings called reliefs were made out of this material. Answer
Art 400 What is marble? Jeopardy
500 One of the Roman Empire’s most famous mosaics displays this Empress. Answer
Art 500 Who is Theodora? Jeopardy
200 The Romans were known for using this tool when fighting battles at sea. This really ruffled the feathers of Carthaginians. Answer
Wars 200 What is the crow? Jeopardy
300 The Roman army was made up of many of these citizens. After the second Punic War, many of their farms were destroyed. Answer
Wars 300 Who are farmers? Jeopardy
400 Hannibal used these animals in battle. Answer
War 400 What are elephants? Jeopardy
500 This great Carthaginian general once made his son promise to be Rome’s enemy. Answer
War 500 Who is Hamilcar? Jeopardy
300 If you change from one belief to another, you have made this. Answer
Religion 300 What is a conversion? Jeopardy
400 To the early Christians, these people were not Christians or Jews. Answer
Religion 400 Who are pagans? Jeopardy
500 This formal punishment by church officials that takes away a person’s membership in a church is called this. Emperor Theodosius was threatened with this punishment by Christian leaders in 390 AD. Answer
Religion 500 What is excommunication? Jeopardy
100 Roman families that could afford the cost of private education usually sent their children to school at about this age. Answer
Family Life 100 What is age 7? Jeopardy
200 This meal was the main meal of the day, usually consisting of three main courses. Answer
Family Life 200 What is dinner? Jeopardy
300 A rich Roman family might own 500 of these. A wealthy family might own 4,000 and an emperor might own 20,000. Answer
Family Life 300 What are slaves? Jeopardy
400 This person was the undisputed head of the family and at one time could sell their children as slaves. Answer
Family Life 400 Who is the father? Jeopardy
500 A wealthy male child learned the art of effective writing and speaking in school. This skill was said to be the mark of a gentleman. Answer
Family Life 500 What is rhetoric? Jeopardy
Double Jeopardy Social Status Famous People Inventions & Gods Architecture Architecture
200 If you were a member of the large class of ordinary citizens in Rome, you were one of these. Most were poor. Answer
Social Status 200 Who is a plebian? Jeopardy
400 In this class, you had the right to hold office. Answer
Social Status 400 What is a Patrician? Jeopardy
600 These citizens could not vote or take part in the government but were protected by Roman laws. Answer
Social Status 600 Who are women? Jeopardy
800 This was a new form of government adopted by Roman leaders in 509 BC where citizens elect leaders to run their government. Answer
Social Status 800 What is a republic? Jeopardy
These were leaders elected by a citizen assembly and advised by a senate. They also commanded the army. Answer
Social Status 1000 Who are consuls? Jeopardy
200 Romans used concrete and arches to build these bridgelike structures. Answer
I & A 200 What are aqueducts? Jeopardy
400 Romans built more than 50,000 miles of this, some of which are still used today. Answer
I & A 400 What are roads? Jeopardy
600 These were first written as the Twelve Tables in 450 BC and developed over time. Answer
I & A 600 What are Roman laws? Jeopardy
800 The Cloaca Maxima is this, and still used in Rome today. Answer
I & A 800 What is a sewer? Jeopardy
1000 This arena was built by the Romans when under Etruscan rule and could seat thousands. Answer
A & I 1000 What is the Circus Maximus? Jeopardy
200 The messenger god was called this, not Hermes. Answer
Gods 200 Who is Mercury? Jeopardy
400 The supreme god. Answer
Gods 400 Who is Jupiter? Jeopardy
600 This household god guarded the fireside. Answer
Gods 600 Who is Vesta? Jeopardy
800 She was the queen of the gods and the protector of women. Answer
Gods 800 Who is Juno? Jeopardy
1000 She was the goddess of wisdom and guardian of craftworkers. Answer
Gods 1000 Who is Minerva? Jeopardy
200 He was the leader of the Carthaginians in the first Punic War until he was killed in battle. Answer
Famous 200 Who is General Hamilcar? Jeopardy
400 He was the “citizen farmer” who became dictator of the Roman army for less than a month. Answer
Famous 400 Who is Cincinnatus? Jeopardy
600 This slave led a rebellion against the Roman army that ended in the execution of 6,000 slaves. Answer
Famous 600 Who is Spartacus? Jeopardy
800 This Roman poet used a Greek myth to begin his epic poem, Aeneid. Answer
Famous 800 Who is Virgil? Jeopardy
1000 This Roman senator objected to the influence of Greek culture because he thought it would weaken Rome. Answer
Famous 1000 Who is Cato the Elder? Jeopardy
Final Jeopardy What were two things that played a part in the fall in the Roman Empire? Answer
Final Jeopardy Easy attacks due to Geography Easy attacks due to Geography Growing army, buying luxury items lead to Economic Decline Growing army, buying luxury items lead to Economic Decline Dishonest & greedy Growing Government Dishonest & greedy Growing Government Decline in work force Decline in work force Lack of Technology Lack of Technology Military Defeat Military Defeat