WARM-UP Objective: To understand the purpose and significance of lab safety. Warm-up: Why is it important that all safety rules are followed in a lab setting? List some of these rules. Homework: Analyzing Graphs
BINDERS MUST HAVE BINDERS IN THE CLASSROOM BY FRIDAY!!!! Worksheets will be collected and kept together in the classroom from now on! Keep all worksheets in binder! There will be a notebook Quiz at the end of the marking period!
LET’S BRAINSTORM! What are the most important safety rules?????
SAFETY RULES GAME DIRECTIONS: The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will receive a safety rules game board. The Game board will have a clear start and finish! An online die will be used to determine how many spaces you can move ahead on the game board. Paperclips will be used as the game chips A chess pawn will be used to move from square to square.
SAFETY RULES GAME Here’s the catch! At each spot you land on. You must explain to your group what a possible consequence of the action would be. Ex: Running during lab You might fall over unto a hot plat and burn your hand WINNER IS THE PERSON WHO HAS THE MOST PAPER CLIPS at the end.
LAB SAFETY IN THE CLASSROOM Locate the given safety items located around the classroom. Draw the items on the lab safety map!
LAB SAFETY CHARADES Lab safety charades ! The class will be divided into two groups! Teams will compete, as individuals or partners come up and act out a lab scenario that is not being carried out properly!
LAB SAFETY SITUATION Complete the Lab Safety Situation Worksheet. You may work alone or with a partner
TRUE/FALSE LAB SAFETY! Answer either true or false using the index cards.
ENDING ACTIVITY/HOMEWORK? How well can you analyze scientific data???? Possible a review?????