ATN/MH-7515-JA Technical Co-operation for the Implementation of Quality, Environmental and Food Safety systems in Jamaica
Background Grant Funding from the Multi-Lateral Investment Fund through the Inter- American Development Bank and funds from the Government of Jamaica Subsidies seek to address Information, Skills and Financial Constraints of SMEs
Project Components Component 1 Raising Awareness & Achieving Buy-in In SMEs Component 2 Training a cadre of local consultants Component 3 Implementation of Quality systems Component 4 Institutional Strengthening
Quality Systems ISO Environmental Management ISO 9000 Quality Management HACCP Food Safety Systems Types of Systems under the Project
Successes of the Project Over 800 persons have been trained in General HACCP Awareness and Internal Auditing 42 Trained trainers are completing the final module of the programme for HACCP Interaction with over 2000 persons through meetings and seminars
Successes of the Project 30 SMEs in the Food Safety System Different Stages of Implementation 2 SMEs expected to undergo Pre- Certification Audit in March 14 Companies to review Implementation Progress 10 companies scheduled for GAP Analysis
Training Courses for ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 Cost General ISO Requirements $4, Documentation$4, Internal Auditing$6, Training of Trainers$80, Course Title
Short Courses General ISO Requirements Documentation Internal Audit
Training of Trainers 1. Train the Trainer 2. RABQSA Certified Lead Auditor Training 4. Practical Implementation 3. Modular Training 1-15/16
Selection Process Step 1: Complete & Submit Registration Form Submit Resume Selection will be based on the discretion of the PMU/Consultant
Implementation Steps US $5,000 Provide training for Task Team 3 Evaluation Audits Implementation of Quality System Developmental Tasks
Match Grant Funding TechnicalAssistance Implementation of QM/ EM/ FS System System Simple Simple Application ApplicationProcess Up to 50%
Evaluation Criteria for Match Grant Funding Willingness to Pay Productivity Growth/Sustainability Commitment of Top Management Commitment towards Certification
Match Grant Funds Steps Involved Availability of funds will be publicly advertised Submit One-Page Application Form & a Company Profile Submission is Evaluated Results are communicated
BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT Subsidized cost of implementation Access to Match Grant Funding Subsidized training programme Access to information
For Future Reference ISO ISO 9000 Standard Food Safety HACCP
Value Expectations from SMEs Be Informed Be Proactive Management Commitment Get Appropriate Training
Projections for Training -Train over 1000 persons in Short Courses - 50 Train the Trainers/Lead Auditors
Projections for Implementation -ISO 9000 in 30 SMEs -ISO in 20 SMEs -Provide Match Grant Funds to at least 100 SMEs -Complete Implementation by 2007
Step 3 Trained Assessors will Conduct Quality Audits