Things to Think About... çWhat type of information do policymakers need? çFor legislators:  Do your homework--get your facts.  Be accurate, brief & concise.


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Presentation transcript:

Things to Think About... çWhat type of information do policymakers need? çFor legislators:  Do your homework--get your facts.  Be accurate, brief & concise  Be vigilant  Follow-up if they need more  Offer to help  Illustrate your facts!

NCSL Services Information Requests: 25,000 a year Research: from Automobiles to Zoning State Legislatures magazine (including expanded online extras) Publications (briefs, reports, books) Web site (a gazillion pages!) 50-State Searchable Bill Information Service Consultation and technical assistance Blog: The State Legislatures Denver Office: | Washington Office:

Promoting the Exchange of Ideas NCSL Legislative Summit Fall & Spring Forums Leaders’ training and conferences Staff professional development seminars Online training Media and communications training America’s Legislators Back to School Program

Sample Postcard- Front

5 Sample Postcard - Back National Conference of State Legislatures 7700 East First Place, Denver, CO For information: Leah Oliver (Denver) (303) Alissa Johnson (DC) (202) PRSRT STD U.S. Postage P A I D Denver, Colo. Permit No Last year in the United States, 1,000 fewer babies were born with a serious birth defect of the brain and spine because of the B-vitamin folic acid. Folic acid is found in most enriched foods and multivitamins. Taking folic acid decreases the risk for neural tube defects or severe birth defects of a baby's brain (anencephaly) or spine (spina bifida). In fact, up to 70 percent of these serious birth defects could be prevented if all women took folic acid daily before and during pregnancy. Neural tube defects are costly and can result in lifelong disabilities and death. The cost of caring for a single child with spina bifida can exceed $1 million. Since about 50 percent of pregnancies are unplanned, folic acid education can help women of child-bearing age understand the benefits of taking a daily multivitamin to avoid these birth defects. All states integrate folic acid information into programs such as WIC or family planning programs that provide services to pregnant women, and most conduct various forms of educational outreach. The map on this postcard highlights some other activities reported by states. Other national organizations and federal agencies also contribute to education efforts.  The more than 80 members of the National Council on Folic Acid work to promote the benefits and consumption of folic acid (  The Food and Drug Administration required fortification of grain products with folic acid, resulting in an estimated savings of $145 million and a 26 percent decline in preventable birth defects.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides free folic acid education materials for states and others. For more information about folic acid and preventing birth defects, please visit: or

Framework for Health Issues  Do you have goals?  If so, are you meeting them?  Does this bill move toward the goals?  Are you getting your money’s worth?  Are people receiving appropriate services?  Is health status improving?  Are you anticipating emerging challenges?

State Challenges: Decision-Making  Several departments  Several committees & categorical bills  Line-item budget  Must balance the budget  Unanticipated consequences  “Penny-wise and pound foolish”

Distribution of the Average State’s Budget for Health Services Source: Milbank Memorial Fund, National Association of State Budget Officers and The Reforming States Group, State Health Expenditure Report (New York: Milbank Memorial Fund, 2005),

“HOT” Topics in the States 1)Budget shortfalls 2)Budget shortfalls 3)Budget shortfalls … 4)Rising Costs

FY 2009 Budget Gaps as a Percentage of General Fund Budget Rhode Island Delaware Source: NCSL survey of state legislative fiscal offices, January Not applicable, n = 7 5% to 9.9%, n = 16 1% to 4.9%, n = 16 Less than 1%, n = 2 More than 10% = 9