Work Education Courses 30971QLD Certificate I in Work Education (accredited 13 September 2011) 30970QLD Certificate I in Work Readiness (accredited 13 September 2011) 30981QLD Certificate II in Workplace Practices (accredited 29 November 2011)
Work Education Courses No transition arrangements for these courses No new enrolments in 2012 for the old courses Can teachout 30981QLD Certificate II in Workplace Practices with year QLD and 30971QLD are 12 month courses therefore no teachout time
Training Packages Business – Version 6 CUA11 Live Performance Training Package FNS10 – Version 2 ICA11 Information and Communication Technology SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package – Version1.3, First Aid consideration *Refer to handout
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Updated July 2011 July 2011 handbook Templates for certificates and Statements of Attainment and NRT logo separate to the handbook Statements of Attainment can be generic, related to a skill set or a defined industry need
Australian Skills Quality Authority No change regarding Queensland or QSA delegation at this stage – decision expected in July Michael Lavarch appointed at Commissioner Information available on format of Certificates and Statements of Attainment and NRT logo
National Skills Standards Council Ministerial Council for Tertiary Education and Employment (MCTEE) dissolved National Quality Council (NQC) and established National Skills Standards Council Communiqué 8 December 201. Extension on BSZ upgrade timeframe Trainers and assessors now have until 1 July 2013 to upgrade and from 1 July 2013 teachers working ‘under supervision’ will need to obtain the Enterprise Trainer Skill Set Bulletin in News and Events on the Quality Indicators National Quality Council archives such as publications, including assessment examples can be accessed at this website
Australian Core Skills Framework Language, Literacy & Numeracy As training packages are revised each unit of competency will include information from the ACSF New ACSF due out February (not yet available though)
Certificate III & IV courses Simulated work environment – must not be a classroom environment but replicate the pressures and constraints of a real workplace. Students achieving a Cert III or IV course at school should have the same workplace skills and knowledge as students undertaking a traineeship (who have significant exposure to a workplace) * Refer to Appendix D of the Business Services Training Package
Blue Cards Trainee students may need to get a Blue Card when working with children in younger grades (conducting sport activities as part of their qualification training and assessment) QSA will notify schools if this becomes a requirement *Refer to QSA memo number: 007/12
Trade Training Centres Round 4 announced but these are still at ‘in principle’ approval No dates yet for Round 5 (schools in preparation mode)
Upcoming Professional Development Work Education with Samantha Smith through Teacher Training Australia (TTA) – 14 March Real World Accounting with Kathy Mehonoshen through TTA – 29 March Introduction to ICA11 with Lesley Kelk through TTA – 30 March Managing education and training pathways through VETnetwork – 24 May QSA conference and workshops Word Processing Skills with Kerri Buttery through TTA – Available in June
Your input… What are some of the issues being faced at your school? Have you had a recent audit? What was the focus? Is your school moving beyond the supported qualifications offered by QSA? How are you doing this? Does your school have a successful Trade Training Centre operating? Can you share some successful partnerships in place at your school? Do you require assistance from VETnetwork with validation processes? What are your professional development needs for the year?
DISCUSSION GROUPS Meeting human resource requirements Internal review and audit processes Resources to manage information